Category: Interact

Cast Your Vote!

Cover Poll

We know you love our model athletes: ordinary women doing extraordinary things. With so much action on our photo shoots, we end up with too many great images. We need your help choosing which shots of these amazing women we should use. Cast a vote for your favorite! For just 72 hours we’re opening up the polls. Let your voice be heard. Which one is your pick?



Who Runs the World?

Who Runs the World

Working outside the home. Working inside the home. Caring for kids. Caring for parents. Making time to workout. Making time to chill out. Yes, sometimes managing it all has us fit to be tied, but mostly, we amaze ourselves at what we are fit for.

What are YOU fit for?




#EmbraceTheDetours Instagram Challenge Highlights

Our Favorite Detours

For the month of March we challenged you to show us the wrong turns and accidental adventures in your lives. Those times when you chose to shoot hoops with your son despite your lack of gear, or your whole family begged to come on your long run, or your dog literally u-turned you mid-workout. Moments when the path led you somewhere unexpected.

Though we could only choose one image to win Title Nine gear each week, we were blown away by all the submissions. Your humor, resourcefulness, and adventurous spirits have truly inspired us to keep embracing the detours in our own lives, because as you showed us, the detours are where the most interesting stuff happens!

We hope you continue to #EmbraceTheDetours by following us on Instagram and tagging your adventure and workout pics. View more of our favorites below, or head to Instagram to check out all the submissions.



#EmbraceTheDetours Instagram Challenge: Week Four

 Week Four Challenge: Friend Detours

Take me to:
Week Three Winner

friend detours

Yes, it is rest day! While you’re ready to spend the day on the couch, your friend convinces you to lace up running shoes or pull on hiking boots instead. Sometimes that unplanned workout can be a most welcomed detour. Take a photo of you and a friend getting in a workout, especially one you were reluctant to do (but aren’t you glad you did)?

This week’s winner will receive one detour-ready Dream Dress ($79) for you AND one for a friend!

Read on for how to enter.



#EmbraceTheDetours Instagram Challenge: Week Three

 Week Three Challenge: Four-Legged Detours

Take me to:
Week Two Winner

Four Legged Detours

Your workout is planned, but your furry friend has other ideas. Maybe he’d rather run through the trees than stay on the trail, or maybe bath time turned into a ‘chase the wet dog’ dash. Snap a picture of you and your canine companion (or any favorite pet) the next time she leads you on a detour. Where did the unexpected adventure take you?

This week’s winner will receive our detour-ready, fast-drying Rogue Short ($49) or Rogue Skort ($64), plus a Mighty Bright Light ($15) for Fido.

Read on for how to enter.

