Category: Interact

Carve Surfboard Contest

Wanna win this sweet surfboard?


The contest period has ended. Thank you for all the amazing entries. Stay tuned over the next few days for the announcement of our winners!

We worked with our friends over at Carve Designs to create a one-of-a-kind T9er surfboard (shaped by Entropy) for one of you lucky ladies to win. Here’s all we’re asking – dazzle us with your creativity by telling us why YOU deserve this sweet 7′ sustainably-made ride.

Would you like to fulfill a life-long dream to catch a wave? Use it as a surf deco coffee table, or save drowning children in faraway oceans? Whatever the cause, tell us in 99 words or less by posting a comment below.

Share your words by June 1st, 2009 for a chance to win the surfboard awesomeness. Fret not, ’cause we’ll be giving away 2 prizes to the runners-up ($100 gift card + Team T9 membership).

Heads Up: Our contests are only open to Title Nine eMail subscribers. They are our way of saying thanks to our loyal customers. So if you aren’t already a subscriber you will become one by submitting your entry. Click Here to read the official rules.


What we know now

We know that listening to more financial news does not make us feel better.  But a good walk, run, or ride does.
We know that some days it is nothing short of a miracle that we fit our workout in.
We know that a good sports bra is the key to a good workout.
We know that the best apparel can go through the washer and dryer.
We know that our happiest times are not spent behind a desk.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is not always the best way to travel.

What do you know now? Share the wisdom below.

Missy's signature
Founder, Missy Park


Failing Enthusiastically

“Success is moving from failure to failure enthusiastically.”
Winston Churchill

Some may feel sorry for, or even derisive of, the Sarah Palins, Martha Stewarts and Carly Fiorinas of the world. My own response is often tinged with a bit of envy, “Wow, I bet she’s learning a lot.”

Success may be the kindest teacher, but failure is a very efficient one.
Never do I learn more than when I am in the midst of a colossal failure.
It’s this kind of learning which delivers a confidence, a confidence forged best in the furnace of failure.

So here’s to having not only the confidence to risk failure but the enthusiasm to embrace it. Let’s start now:  sharing and celebrating our failures and the learning that came with them.

Can’t get enough? Read about Title Nine’s Annual “Big Mistake” Contest. There is a method to the Madness.


2009 T9 Challenge

big-kahuna-bound-smFor the past few years our founder, Missy Park has presented a company wide fitness challenge that sets concrete, sweat enducing fitness goals that put our technical wear to the test. This year we’ve decided to up the ante by dedicating 2009 to a series of races (aka challenges) that lets us T9er’s work our way up to one final personal goal. Whether that be one little Waterfront 5K or the finale event, the Big Kahuna Triathlon.

We’ll be training with our own cycling, swimming, and running coacsass-attack-smhes. We’ll share our not-so-top secret training schedules and training journals with you. If you find yourself in the bay area then come and join us for any of our 2009 T9 Challenge events (listed below). We’ll be the ones in the skorts.

You can join us at:

The Presidio 10 – March 29th, 2009

Sequoia Trail Run – July 18th, 2009

Big Kahuna Triathlon – Ocotber 25th, 2009


Holiday Haiku Winner!

We have a winner! Congratulations to Shelley with her Holiday Haiku:

Snow and ice and sun
Sledding, skiing, mountain fun
Wintertime has come.

Congratulations as well to the other finalists, Laurie, Sherri, Esther and Caroline. Shelley will receive an awesome Haiku Messenger Bag custom embroidered with her poem and all the finalists will all receive a 1 year Team T9 membership.

Holiday Haiku Finalists

  • By Shelley:
    Snow and ice and sun
    Sledding, skiing, mountain fun
    Wintertime has come.
    (35%, 344 Votes)
  • By Laurie:
    Winds are blowing cold
    Mountain tops sparkle with snow
    Fun awaits outdoors
    (25%, 249 Votes)
  • By Sherri:
    Finding my own path
    through fallen leaves, golden light.
    Sweet serenity.
    (17%, 170 Votes)
  • By Esther:
    Stringing twinkle lights
    in frosty, holiday air.
    Whoops! Forgot dinner.
    (15%, 152 Votes)
  • By Caroline:
    Fog escapes my mouth
    As I run through icy woods
    Redwoods guide my path
    (8%, 82 Votes)

Total Voters: 997

Honerable mentions:

I wrote this Haiku
to win a present for Mom
she loves Title Nine

My bra, my bra is
tight, cutting, binding, useless—
no more! Sis boom bah.
