Category: Missy’s Musings

If I Leap, Will That Net Really Appear?


Easy to say when I’m standing firmly on the ground. More difficult when I am on the edge, facing an abyss.  But what I’ve found over the years, is that if I keep making those leaps, I’ll either reach my goal, the net will appear or I’ll get in some good practice falling.  All are good outcomes.  Each makes it easier for me to take the next leap, though I must admit that making my goals is way more fun than nursing my bruises.

So tell us about the last time you took a big leap?  Did that net appear? Write about it in the comments section. Can’t wait to hear your stories!

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


An athlete is…

An athlete is…
A mom squeezing in her workout before the kids wake up.

Candace Parker squeezing in one more rep as she prepares her post-partum body for another season of pro hoops.

A woman who juggles work commitments but never forgets her commitments to herself.

That woman on the elliptical breaking bad habits as she builds a better body.

Dara Torres breaking barriers even if she’s not breaking records.

A girl discovering the competent machine that is her body.

A woman discovering the same thing.

What is an athlete? An athlete is you.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


Learning Curve Moments

When’s the last time you tried something for the first time?

Earlier this year, I found myself wondering if, amidst the busyness of job, family, community and commitments, I had let my learning muscles go a little soft.  Perhaps I’d gotten too good at being pretty good, too comfortable in my well-worn competence.   But can I actually jump back onto the steep part of the learning curve?  Now, I think, is a good time to find out.  Will you join me?  Share your learning curve moments in the comments section below.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


Your Sports Story

What’s your story?

Maybe you came to sport late.

You found it in the gym or the studio.

Maybe you discovered it early, on a court or a course.

Maybe it’s walking, maybe it’s running, maybe it’s dance or yoga or swimming or hiking. Maybe you found your sport when you saw your daughter transformed by that first athletic success and knew that your own transformation was out there waiting for you. Maybe you found it on your way to something else—a kid’s practice, a healthier life, a friend’s race. But no matter where each of our sports stories begins, we all end up at the same place, a place where we are becoming our own best selves.

Tell us your story!

 Missy's signature

Founder, Missy Park 


What we know now

We know that listening to more financial news does not make us feel better.  But a good walk, run, or ride does.
We know that some days it is nothing short of a miracle that we fit our workout in.
We know that a good sports bra is the key to a good workout.
We know that the best apparel can go through the washer and dryer.
We know that our happiest times are not spent behind a desk.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is not always the best way to travel.

What do you know now? Share the wisdom below.

Missy's signature
Founder, Missy Park
