Category: Missy’s Musings

New Girls’ Network

New Girls Network

Amidst all the #MeToo and #TimesUp, there is a new and rising tide of women who are taking that truth-telling and turning it into action.

Yes, it is women actors, producers and directors. But perhaps more powerfully, it is women athletes and risk-takers, marketers and mothers, photographers and founders.

These women are making change happen every day by changing the way that work works, by changing who takes the risks and who takes the lead. There is a powerful New Girls’ Network rising. (more…)


The Gnarly Path to Sustainability


Twenty years ago, our founder, Missy Park, met Toad&Co’s intrepid leader, Gordon Seabury. We dug their gear, they dug our mission. We were a company pushing women and girls to own, risk, and lead. Gordon was raising two daughters to do the same. Partnering up was pretty much a done deal.

As the years went by, our relationship grew, and the Toads started coaching us up on supply chain sustainability. (more…)


Get Gifted, Then Get Out

GIfted Women

Here’s to the #giftedwomen—the women who run the show, run wild and run and run and run. Yep, we sometimes hit the snooze button and yes, quitting time is often just another starting line, but #giftedwomen are out there making changes, big and small.

This year we hope you’ll help us call out and cheer on all of these #giftedwomen making our communities great. (more…)


See Jane Run

Take the plunge

If this election season can teach us anything, it will teach us that it is always better to have tried, to have risked, to have learned, than to never have tried at all. This year, at the polls, our daughters and our sons literally get to “See Jane Run.” And with so many “Janes” running, we will see Jane win. And yes, we’ll also see Jane lose, but most importantly, we will see Jane learn. (more…)
