Category: Move It

YO-YO! Yoga- ahhhh.

I took my first yoga class in college.
It was the only class the pre-hubby and I could find that we could take together.
Bowling? Nope. Bad time.
Golf? Nope. Already filled.
So, off to yoga we went.
He was a trooper and did his best. However, I….. was hooked.
One year later in Brooklyn, I found a yoga class where the instructor was everything a good granola yogic teacher should be. I took that class right up until my belly from my first pregnancy was about to pop. I had an awesome set of lungs by the end after all that ‘Fire Breath’ stuff.

On and off since, I’ve been able to take some yoga classes, but never like that… Once a week, Every week, with NOTHING more important? But 3 kids later, fat droopy butt, and too many afterschool activities? In short. It’s been years. And my 30-ish body has had enough. That, and we found a seriously affordable gym here in my new town, new life.

Yesterday. Was the first day of my renewed love affair with my spurned lover.
And it felt good.
And I vow to be loyal.
And I HURT all over! Namaste.

All photos taken by hubby, Seth. Yes. That really is me. In all my glory…Ha!

You can read more of Carissa’s blog at:
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In the Beginning…

Everyone has a story about how they fell in love with running. Here’s mine. It’s long, just like a good training run on a Saturday morning…

I usually don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, passing them off as trite, meaningless promises we make to ourselves but easily forget about when the hangover wears off and we’re faced with the reality of life again. “I’ll go the gym everyday, eat healthy and try to be a more positive person at work. And I’ll volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters.” The first two weeks, we hit the gym every day, eat according to the Food Pyramid and grumble less at work. We call Big Brothers/Big Sisters for a brochure. By week four, we go to the gym twice a week, eat whatever we want to on the weekends (we are working out after all…we can eat what we want to, right?) and the Big Brothers application sits on the desk with our name and address filled out. By the end of February, we consider walking to the mailbox to be our daily “workout” and the lettuce and tomato that comes on our daily cheeseburger counts as two servings of vegetables.

But I have friends who like to make resolutions, so each year I listen to their latest aspirations with mild interest, resisting the urge to mock them. Last year – January 2003 – was no different and I listened as my friend told me she wanted to run a marathon. She even asked me if I wanted to join her.

Was she insane? Did she really think I could run 26.2 miles? Did she really think I’d WANT to run 26.2 miles? Why in the world would anyone want to do that? Four, five hours – or more! – of running. RUNNING. Where was the joy in that? What was so fun about that? She must have hit her head on something and she was confusing me with someone else she knew. Had she noticed the look on people’s faces as they cross the finish line at these events? They look like they are being tortured. And there’s a reason for all those medical people stationed along the route and at the finish line. Needless to say, I declined her offer with a “in a million years, no way am I running a marathon.” She convinced her then-boyfriend-now-fiance to join her instead.

On some level though, her personal challenge inspired me. I decided to get serious about fitness once and for all. I was tired of being unhappy with my physical appearance. I wanted to feel good about my body for a change. It can be embarrassing when people discover that I have a Master’s degree in Exercise Science, but that I hadn’t been to the gym in three months. And I decided that running wasn’t such a bad way to get in better shape. I incorporated running into my weight-training schedule. My initial goal was to get to two miles in the 30-minute time limit I had on the treadmill at the gym.

And I got there in no time at all. I was amazed. So then I pushed for three miles in 30 minutes. And again, it happened. But I hated every minute of it. I looked at the clock constantly – glared at it, hoping that somehow the daggers shooting from my eyes would force the numbers to move faster. I would have to reduce the speed and walk fast to catch my breath and then I’d kick it back up. Was the 30 minutes up yet? Was it time to go home yet?

I needed a goal, something to motivate me, hold myself accountable. There was a 5-mile “walk-a-thon” that I participate in each year and I had told myself that I was going to run it this time. I hadn’t run more than 3 miles in over ten years, but dammit, I was going to do it.

I recruited my marathon-training friend to join me. I spent a few weeks “training,” trying to work up to five miles, but I had no idea what I was doing and ended up getting sick and being out-of-service the week before the “walk-a-thon.”

It was a rainy, wet, cool April day. Steady, slow drizzle kind of rain. She and I hit the dirt (State forest trail) and I let her set the pace. I definitely had too much clothing on and started pulling the layers off. Overall, it didn’t feel too bad and that surprised me. It was actually nice to have someone to run with and talk to. Then I got really, really hungry. Really. Really. Hungry. At the turn around point, I had to eat. Oranges. Twizzlers. Anything they had. And I drank a ton of water.

We ran back and I was hungry again! But I felt great. Invigorated. Proud to have run five miles. Beaming from ear to ear. I was amazed that I had actually done it. I basked in the glow of my accomplishment for an hour and then it happened. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I fell sound asleep for two hours and woke up with an incredible headache. (Looking back, I realize it was from dehydration.) But, I was back on the treadmill a few days later and looking for a new goal.

This, of course, led me to discover half-marathons and other distances that I could imagine actually finishing. I ran my first race in August – a 5 miler. I started reading books, magazines and anything else I could get my hands on to learn more about running. I bought new sneakers and breathable clothing. I got myself a FlashFlo for hydration on longer runs. I turned into a running nerd. And I continue to love every minute of it – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Oh yeah…two more thing. I really do wear an orange hat (or visor if it’s hot) – especially on race day. And I haven’t signed up for a marathon yet, but it doesn’t seem nearly as impossible as it did a year ago. Never say never.

Republished with permission from “The Running Chick With the Orange Hat” blogspot.You can read more of Dianna’s blog at:

Why Do I Run?

After completing a half marathon I was posed the question by my good friend Elaine, “Why would anyone run that far if they weren’t being chased?” I have since pondered that question and some days haven’t been able to come up with a good answer.  However, after careful consideration, a few things have come to the forefront of my mind.

Running makes me feel strong.  Over time I have come to see and feel the actual muscle in my legs and as my endurance has increased I feel the strength coming from within.  Finishing a long run brings such a feeling of accomplishment.  It proves to myself that I can overcome physical obstacles that I previously thought would be impossible.  Occasionally there is that “runners’ high” that cannot be accurately described without experiencing it for yourself.  It is the point where you feel as if you could run forever and feel great doing it.  It is the point where your lungs don’t feel as if they’re going to burst and your feet feel like they might not even be touching the pavement. Other physical advantages include being able to sleep better, a stronger heart, being able to keep up with my kids, and a general sense of well being.  When I run consistently I don’t seem to get sick.  Although running was once used exclusively as a weight loss tool, that has taken a back seat to all the other benefits I’ve received.

Running has great mental advantages.  Running is sometimes the only moment I have to be alone in the day.  It has been a great time to work out problems in my mind, to think of a child’s particular need, or time to think of a great date with my hubby.
Running has provided me with a great sense of accomplishment.  Seeing the progress in being able to run one minute straight to the rejoicing of over one mile to being able to run twenty miles is so great!  Whatever the milestones or measurements are being used, progress can be seen after the daily work has been put in. Running has taught me patience.  I have come to learn that injuries are sometimes inevitable.  Taking the proper recovery time and listening to my body when my mind says, “go!” has definitely taught me patience.  Speed hasn’t come as fast for me as I would like, but in retrospect, the progress made is amazing.  Running has taught me that great things don’t usually happen in a short amount of time or with little effort.  But as we plug away, little by little, step by small step, great things and many miles will pass.
Running has shown me how much I am loved.  I have been surrounded by so much support.  My dear husband not only helps out around the house while I’m gone, he has encouraged me every step of the way.  He’s brought me sunglasses, water, gels, you name it, to me out on the road.  He’s given me the support I need to reach my goals.  The first race I was in was a 10k that finished along Main Street during a parade.  My husband and kids sat at the finish line area.  I’d never seen a more beautiful sight than my entire family on their feet, cheering waiting to greet me.  It made it all worthwhile.  My husband doesn’t complain about all the time I’m gone or the money for  shoes and special clothing that I “need”.  He’s been my cheerleader all along the way.  He has truly shown his love for me.
I have seen true friendship. My best friend Holly, has been there for me on short fast runs, on slow long runs, and there on my most discouraging run, where if she had not been there, I would have just gone home.  When she can’t run, she’ll bike along side me.  She has kept me going, has encouraged me, and been there by my side.  She’s seen me cry in pain and cry from disappointment, throw up from overexertion, and rejoice in success.
The power to endure is within all of us.  Sometimes we just have to feel the despair to find the strength within us.  It’s the opposition that helps us to see the good.  See, I love the lessons I learn while running!

Republished with permission from the “Why I Run?” blogspot. You can read more of Jenny’s blog at:

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Glory Days

I was never an athlete. Not in elementary school. Not in middle school, and certainly not in high school where I actually earned my only “D”—in gym class. And when I say “earned,” I mean earned. I mean, you really have to work hard to get a “D” in gym. It’s not like any idiot can do it. I fondly recall skipping out on gym to do fun stuff like drive with my other hip friends to McDonald’s in my little fluorescent orange austin america to flip french fries on the hood and watch the birds gobble them up.



Why I Run?

That is a really good question. Actually, I don’t even like to run….at least most of the time. Sometimes I feel like my body is in a big fight. My lungs, heart, or legs often cry out in protest and beg me to stop while in the process. So why do it then? For the simple fact that there are those days when running feels easy and effortless. Then I know why I run. I run because I can. And since I can I should. (more…)
