At home? In the gym? In the mountains? With family? With a certain friend? In a certain place? At a certain time?
For me, I am most fully myself when I am competing with a team on a field or a court, all working together towards a common goal. Next best is working and playing here at Title Nine amongst a group of like-minded individuals, friends really. Working to move T9 forward and sharing a love of sport and fitness.
Here’s to finding that place where we are our best selves and spending more time there. Where is that place for you? Share it with us below.
Missy Park
For me…my best self is in the mountains, on top of a mountain on a clear day where you can just sit and see the earth, the heavens and everything in between.
I think for me it would be at the climbing gym, just me and the wall. It doesn’t matter how tired I am, how crazy my day has been, once I see the wall, I zone. It’s just me, my wits and ability coming against this wall. I study, contort and twist, I press into, normally impossible positions in my day to day life, with this wall. I find a surge of physical strength that normally is dormant, and never called on. Sweat pours off every inch of me, and at that moment, I am no more the girl next door, but a conquer, against every limitation that presents itself in my life. That is my moment and place, where it’s just about me, what I can do, tackling, and dominating those walls before me.
Something amazing happens to me when I’m in the gym, lifting weights, training really hard. Even if its a ‘bad’ day in the gym, a bad day there is better than a good day anywhere else! But its also about how I feel – about the world, about myself, about other people. Its not just the endorphin high, but a sense that this is the place where I truly belong. I also have to say that its the time when I look in the mirror, and feel completely attractive….in the most profound way! Not just on the outside, but all the way through!
With good friends, I am my own best self. Doesn’t matter what I am doing – when I am surrounded by people I care about, and who care about me, I feel grounded and capable. I am pretty independent, but I find that the times I spend with friends really bolster my spirit and help me to be even a better version of me.
With good friends, I am my own best self. Doesn’t matter what I am doing – when I am surrounded by people I care about, and who care about me, I feel grounded and capable. I am pretty independent, but I find that the times I spend with friends really bolster my spirit and help me to be even a better version of me.
I’m my own best self in or on the water.
Here in Minnesota, we love our lakes. I grew up swimming in northern Minnesota lakes and still swim there. I have expanded my water activities to kayaking, sailing, fishing, water skiing, scuba diving, ice skating (when the water is solid) and in general just playing in or on the water. I have been doing triathlons for over 10 years which of course combine my love for the water with my other favorite land sports.