Perhaps you think the real women in our catalog are super women, perhaps you think their lives are unattainable or even made up. But take a minute to think about what your own caption might look like, a caption that gives voice only to the good, a caption that does not let negativity and self-censorship creep in.
Would you see yourself in your own caption? Jump on our website and post your own caption, see if you recognize the woman in the words. If you don’t, you should start to. Or post a friend’s and see if she’ll recognize herself.
I’ll finish with this caption, does it sound like someone you know, someone you could know?
Full-time mom, sometime triathlete, operations expert, former P.I., league founder, community builder.
Missy Park, Founder
Playful, caring wife and aunt; sometime triathlete; environmentalist and oil company employee; cries watching SPCA commericals; volunteer and determined cook. Still managing to get after it skiing, biking and hiking – seven knee surgeries and all!
occupation: full-time mom and part-time retail associate
nickname: toki
sports: running marathons
greatest accomplishments: quitting smoking, falling in love with running, and qualifying for the boston marathon!
favorite book and movie: anne of green gables
little known fact: eats chocolate everyday
A fellow Anne-lover!!!! I’ve vacationed on PEI three times and could go every year if I could.
Occupational therapist,momma,and wife…summer triathlete,winter cyclist and runner…loves to shop-glorified tomboy!
Occupational therapist,momma,and wife…summer triathlete,winter cyclistand runner…loves to shop-glorified tomboy!
Occupation: Forensic Accounting
Greatest Accomplishment: Having traveled to every continent except Antarctica, and getting lost in every country I have ever visited.
Favorite Movie: Empire of the Sun
Little Known Fact: Afraid of Zombies
Scariest moment: Cliff diving in Hawaii
My caption would read:
Zen focus on living,
Preserving the joy.
Cultural biographer and historian;
ocean and island lover;
walker and traveller;
university professor emeritus;
wife/ spousal caregiver
Occupation: Environmental Geologist
Hobbies: Motocross, TaeKwon Do (2nd Dan blackbelt), Society for Creative Anachronism (medieval education organization), embroidery, costuming
WIDELY Known Fact: Jen is a size 18 and is HAPPY with herself. She is loved and lovely just the way she is.
LITTLE Known Fact: There are ACTIVE women out there who WANT to shop at title nine, but can’t because they aren’t a size 6.
“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal”
Amen! I look wistfully at T9 catalogs and think “one day. . .” even though I have a full and creative life – apparently my butt’s too big (hehe)
I agree with your little known fact. I love Title 9 clothes but certainly hesitate to order since I don’t look like the models. I wish there was a store or retailer that carried their clothes nearby so I could try stuff on. Much easier than ordering and returning if it doesn’t fit.
Loved the quote too!
career: occupational strategistic, maximizer, and consultant
sports: volleyball (indoor and out), yoga, and pilates
hobbies: writing letters and snail mailing them, cooking, and telling jokes
best accomplishment: earning my college degree (bachelor’s and master’s), even as a non-traditional student, while learning that my expectations directly influence my peace…and choosing to modify them for my own sense of peace.
current unfoldings: i do my dream job, have a garden, spend time in the outdoors often, am admittedly happy with my life and am surrounded my amazing, quality relationships.
Occupation: Ski coach and potter
Hobbies: Any athletic pursuit, classical guitar, baking
Latest addiction: NPR
Goals: To make the national alpine team for professional ski instructors of america in 2012, have a baby, finish a masters degree in phys ed
career: academic manager
if I could do it over again career: public health researcher
in a dream world career: professional triathlete
sports: triathlon, running, backpacking
hobbies: cooking, knitting, and reading (gotta slow down sometimes)
proudest recent accomplishment: becoming a respectable age group athlete and traveling by myself to visit my brother in Africa