Perhaps you think the real women in our catalog are super women, perhaps you think their lives are unattainable or even made up. But take a minute to think about what your own caption might look like, a caption that gives voice only to the good, a caption that does not let negativity and self-censorship creep in.
Would you see yourself in your own caption? Jump on our website and post your own caption, see if you recognize the woman in the words. If you don’t, you should start to. Or post a friend’s and see if she’ll recognize herself.
I’ll finish with this caption, does it sound like someone you know, someone you could know?
Full-time mom, sometime triathlete, operations expert, former P.I., league founder, community builder.
Missy Park, Founder
Occupation: Full time Engineering manager, full time mom
Sports: runner, gym rat, karate chasing my kids
Hobbies: reading on the elliptical trainer at the gym, multitasking as much as possible
Goal: To enjoy every moment of life, when I finally take a breather from my life
Little know fact: Sings great in the car with no one else in it!
Home- Bottom of the Grand Canyon
Work- Bottom of the Grand Canyon
Commute- 10 mile hike to work in desert heat and snow
Heros- Attics Finch
Pround of: Couch Potato turned 5K runner (next goal is a 10K)
Relieved about: Self appointed tester (and approver!) of Title Nine barbell rating
Happy to be: nontraditional University student
Juggler of: home, husband, 4 kids, and a dog
Enthusiastic about: Down syndrome advocacy
Favorite saying: “The only disability is a bad attitude.”
Mountain biking, snowshoeing, trail-running, backpacking, crazy for outdoors, independent Mom who loves to bake really yummy, sometimes healthy, sometimes not so healthy treats to enjoy after all that fun and often imagines herself in her favorite place…Moab…enjoying some sun and desert solitude, dressed in her favorite workout wardrobe reading her favorite magazine….Title 9:)
Homeschooling mom who runs distance for sanity, does ballet for the sheer joy of it, calligraphy for the beauty of it, draws for the challenge of it, cooks and bakes for the taste and pleasure of it, works in an organic garden coop for her health, travels the world for the wonder of it, and loves God for the love He has given her.
Little known fact: she would in a moment’s notice if given the opportunity to live abroad.
Occupation: Instructional Designer & Education Consultant
Community Activities: CERT team member, MDA support group facilitator, member of Commission on Disability Issues, past-member Library Board, adult literacy tutor, American Red Cross presenter
Hobbies: Yoga, walking, dancing in my living room and sometimes kitchen
Pets: 4 great cats
Titles: Mama, Scientist, Hero (for finding lost homework), Godess (for sending spouse off fishing)
Sanity check: 5-mile run uphill
Job description: world saver
Goals: to squeeze every momemt out of every momemt
Favorite movie: the gods must be crazy
I watched your fave movie for the first time in my high school english class and still love it to this day!!!! Hardly anyone else I know has ever heard of it!! Glad there’s a fellow TGMBC appreciator out there!
Forest ecologist, climber, friend, trail runner, lover, science curriculum writer, strong, sister, tele-skier, North American Wife-Carrying Champion, daughter, thoughtful, independent.
Woman, mother, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend. Full-time job, Administrative Assistant, part-time job, Dairy Queen. Runs everyday on her lunch hour. Doesn’t ask for much more than a returned smile. 🙂
Little known fact: Doesn’t sleep well.
Occupation: 1st Career Mom; 2nd Real Estate, 3rd Legal; 4th Certfied Resident Artist.
Goals: Training for Rock & Roll Marathon at 42!!
Hobbies: Hawiian Surfer * Texas Runner & Cyclist *
Motto: “Aloha Kino” – Love Yourself