Perhaps you think the real women in our catalog are super women, perhaps you think their lives are unattainable or even made up. But take a minute to think about what your own caption might look like, a caption that gives voice only to the good, a caption that does not let negativity and self-censorship creep in.
Would you see yourself in your own caption? Jump on our website and post your own caption, see if you recognize the woman in the words. If you don’t, you should start to. Or post a friend’s and see if she’ll recognize herself.
I’ll finish with this caption, does it sound like someone you know, someone you could know?
Full-time mom, sometime triathlete, operations expert, former P.I., league founder, community builder.
Missy Park, Founder
Christian since 1990. Full time Cosmetic Makeup Artist/Accredited Consultant/Manager. Part time Certified Massage Therapist and Giver of Advice (to little sis only). Mother of two four-legged children, 1 and 5yrs old. Voted #1 Thanksgiving Chef last 4yrs, and voted Biggest Whitest Teeth last 2yrs. Biggest Accomplishment? Keeping the Holidays going while family resides in Louisiana, Georgia, and Michigan and working Christmas Eve, the day after Christmas, and New Year’s Day!
Career: USAF Instructor Pilot – teaches cadets to fly gliders (and is not afraid)
Favorite Things: My husband, my dogs, traveling around the world, a warm house, food to eat, and family and friends to love
Sports: Volleyball, yoga, and just started Karate (I’ve always wanted to be a black belt)
Newest Adventure: In the process of adopting 2 brothers (ages 12 and 6) from Peru.
Full-time college educator, recently appointed Title III Activity Coordinator, quilter, gardener, yoga and belly dancer student
Loves: her husband, her dog, cooking, baking, gardening, singing, and Iyengar yoga
Secret super power: reads six languages (with more in her near future)
If she could have anything in the world for Christmas: never another migraine
Full time pediatrician, mom to 4 boys, just ran her first marathon!
Short endurance athlete, improving endurance, strength and ability! Size shrinking yoga teacher, interest in teaching fitness to overweight & senior populations. Aspiring dog trainer and collector of animals. Cheese-obsessed wine drinker with an affinity for music with a good beat. Seer of good in all people.
Occupation: Veterinary surgical nurse
Hobbies: Reading, writing, handmade crafts.
Favorite food: Anything chocolate, especially homemade.
Sports: Snowboarding, crew.
Little known fact: Once spent 3 hours up a tree because of a moose.
Accomplishment: Hiking 20 miles in a day.
Espresso addicted Yoga/Pilates/Spinning teacher and mom with super human powers such as eyes in back of head and supersonic hearing (at least that’s what my two very “active” boys think!), who must move, pray, breath, and eat in equal amounts to maintain a joyful heart.
Current job: software assurance manager/geek
Future job: some combination of technology, policy, education, public service and writing
Sports: runner in pursuit of a BQ, cyclist, hiker
Hobbies: voracious reader, watching professional road cycling races, travel
Role models: my strong women family members and friends, Lance Armstrong
Addicted to: coffee and carbs in all their glorious forms, the internet
Thyroid cancer survivor
Little known fact: sang on two albums as part of my high school choir
I’d like to try: surfing in Hawaii
Mother of four, wife of one; grad student studying counseling psychology; Lab lover; runner, spinner, yoga fan. I’ve had almost every skin rash you can imagine, I’m allergic to shellfish, and my favorite activity is reading a good book in a clean house!