Each season we choose a “model” image for our catalog cover and web home page. Our spring catalog is coming soon and we need your help choosing our next hero image. Let your voice be heard!
I’ll leave the same comment I’ve left for every single cover vote for a couple years, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Where are the older women? I am almost 60 and a lot of my friends wear T9 clothing. Why has every cover featured younger women? If you want people in different generations buy your products, we need to be able to see “ourselves” wearing them in your catalogs.
All your models are amazing, obviously athletic women. That being said, cover #5 is an open crotch shot? Which draws your attention away from the whole image. Change the angle of that view and it’s a better picture!
Just my two cents…
I’ll leave the same comment I’ve left for every single cover vote for a couple years, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Where are the older women? I am almost 60 and a lot of my friends wear T9 clothing. Why has every cover featured younger women? If you want people in different generations buy your products, we need to be able to see “ourselves” wearing them in your catalogs.
Number 1 is unique and different
Ordinary women having fun in the sun! Love the action shots!
I like the surfer pic!!! I like that her hair is out to the side
More older women photos if you want our generation to buy from you
Cover One
All your models are amazing, obviously athletic women. That being said, cover #5 is an open crotch shot? Which draws your attention away from the whole image. Change the angle of that view and it’s a better picture!
Just my two cents…
This photograph is my choice for the best overall composition. I love the colors, the water and the light which make me want to open the catalog.
It’s all about balance!!
Prefer Cover 4. It’s more representative of several places to visit and have fun with friends.