The team at Title Nine has many players — and many coaches. Our own athletic and personal lives have been shaped and influenced by coaches we’ve had, making the decision to embark on the same path an important one. We look up to those who lead the way for us: it’s time for us to lead the way for the next generation.
Do YOU coach? Tell us why below.
Coaching kids is such an amazing experience! I have coached volleyball, basketball and track since 1994, when I was a college junior in the right place (a college volleyball class taught by our head coach!) at the right time (when the little town next to our college town needed a freshmen girls’ volleyball coach!). Being around young athletes is so much more than just teaching them a skill set specific to their sport. While doing that, you are also modeling and being a mentor in many other areas of life including goal setting, teamwork, hard work, honesty and integrity to self and others and many others. While teaching those…you tend to learn a lot about yourself, as well! I love working with our youth and can see myself doing it for many, many more years to come!
I coach swimming and coach 12 & unders. I love coaching young kids..they have such enthusiasm and joy in sports. When my younger swimmers finally swim a legal stroke, that ‘A-ha’ moment is wonderful. Their excitement keeps coaching fun and keeps me young.
I have been the proud coach of my son’s U8 soccer team for 3 years. I coach for many reasons but most important, I coach to bond with my son. I also love teaching the kids life lessons like sportsmanship, teamwork, and the value of working hard at something in order to succeed. These are all lessons that I learned from a lifetime of soccer. I have also written a blog post on my experiences:
I coach because I was the only girl doing Tae Kwon Do when I began (20 years ago,) and now I have a class with just as many girls as boys. Martial Arts are immensely beneficial to children and adults alike, and it’s an activity that becomes a life style. Tae Kwon Do allows us to focus our energies into powerful motions and teaches us incredible self discipline. We teach to always finish what we start and to show respect in the face of adversity.
I have always loved soccer and I love my son. So it makes perfect sense to coach. I love seeing the kids take something that we worked hard on in practice and use that skill in a game. It is an opportunity to spark a fire in a person that could last a life time. My coaches did it for me and I am paying it forward.
I am a high performance tennis pro that specializes in Ten and Under Tennis. Also, a triathlons and cyclists.
I coach for the opportunity to continue making a difference in these girls lives. To work on leadership skills, comradery, team work, coping skills. Knowing that the path to success is sometimes filled with failure. To act as a role model and a mentor. That is why for the past 21 years I have coached girls basketball. The time and effort that is put forth by the coaches alongside the girls makes us much closer, like a family. Coaching also keeps me young.
I coach grade school cross country and track/field….because I like to empower those kids that need that person in their lives that says “you can do it….you can do anything”…to watch those kids, whether young girls or young boys, accomplish things they never thought they could….there just isn’t a better feeling in the world. Making that difference, providing that lesson and encouraging self confidence…that’s why I coach.
When I first started coaching, it was to make sure my kids had a good experience playing soccer. Now I coach to stay close to my teenager daughter and to be a positive influence to the girls on the team. I’ve watched them grow up over the past 4 years going from girls to young women. I want them to grow up with good values imbedded in their soccer souls.
I started coaching boys soccer because there were never enough volunteer coaches. I’ve played for most of my life, but had never coached. I never thought I would be a good coach. But as the boys have grown in skill and decision-making under my direction, so have I grown in self-confidence and leadership. It’s been a mutually beneficial experience, and the chance to show young boys that women can be leaders in their side of the sport has been invaluable.