Wanna win this sweet surfboard?
The contest period has ended. Thank you for all the amazing entries. Stay tuned over the next few days for the announcement of our winners!
We worked with our friends over at Carve Designs to create a one-of-a-kind T9er surfboard (shaped by Entropy) for one of you lucky ladies to win. Here’s all we’re asking – dazzle us with your creativity by telling us why YOU deserve this sweet 7′ sustainably-made ride.
Would you like to fulfill a life-long dream to catch a wave? Use it as a surf deco coffee table, or save drowning children in faraway oceans? Whatever the cause, tell us in 99 words or less by posting a comment below.
Share your words by June 1st, 2009 for a chance to win the surfboard awesomeness. Fret not, ’cause we’ll be giving away 2 prizes to the runners-up ($100 gift card + Team T9 membership).
Heads Up: Our contests are only open to Title Nine eMail subscribers. They are our way of saying thanks to our loyal customers. So if you aren’t already a subscriber you will become one by submitting your entry. Click Here to read the official rules.
These past few months have been some of the best of my life. I released myself from a negative relationship and for the first time live on my own with just the company of my 16 year old son. I became a nationally certified teacher, started to sing again in a local choir (singing is my true passion, teaching a close second) and was admitted into grad school. This board would grace my bedroom wall reminding me that I am a force of nature able to do anything I set my mind to including surfing lessons next summer!
I would love to win this surfboard so I could take it to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I would gather up the children who live in the dump (Children of the Dump) and teach them to surf, the beauty of the ocean and all that it has to offer. These are the forgotten children, who parents, if they have them, have no money and live in the filth and garbage. They are lucky to get one meal a day. I know I can’t save them all, but putting a smile on just one of the faces would be worth it.
My dream is to connect teens and young adults on the autistic spectrum with nature; to help them feel in tune and in rhythm with their own bodies; and, to help them develop their own identities and lifelong goals. Thanks to Title Nine, Carve and Entropy, the sweet surfboard is the inspiration and sign I need to move to Maui and set up a two-week camp for these special students. Included in the program will be body surfing, snorkeling, hiking, sailing, meal preparation and cooking, music, journaling, working with clay and presentations from life coaches and motivational speakers.
I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. One year ago, our city flooded. I’m thankful nobody was killed. We lost half our town and still are suffering from the loss of homes and downtown structures. Many are still displaced. If I had this surfboard, I could display it in our town as a pretty focal point, if the mayor would let me. Or I could display it in my backyard; a happier reminder of when I offered my pool for anyone to bathe in during the water shortage. It’s good to help in time of need. Surfs up, Cedar Rapids!
It is nearly June, but our country is already pleading for a drink. The snow that kept me on my teles all winter is a blessing, but the prairie looks tough. Maybe it is this constant need for moisture to nourish the land that has stirred in me an ever-growing desire to surf the wide-open waters. I dream of not conquering the waves, but becoming part of the wave, allowing the water to stir in me the life that it provides to us all. I dream of the surf, I need a board.
I would like to win this cool board so I could give it to my niece & god-daughter for her birthday this month. I saw her being born & now she’s in college. (Time really does fly!!) She is a California girl & took surfing lessons for P.E. class in high school. However, I would ask her if it would be alright for me to drive around town w/ it in the backseat of my classic 1978 VW Bug convertible first, to see what it feels like to be a real surf chick! Thank you for your consideration. 🙂 A. Nora (That’s Jenna’s abbreviation for ‘Aunt” LOL)
I would love to win to chase my dreams of surfing. My Heart failed and I was diagnoised with MS in 2007. I was unsure of what my future would be like, but recently I was given the all clear to start jogging again. That lit a fire in my belly for sure. One of my goals has always been to catch a wave and little by little, as my stamina is not what it was, I will do it! I have learned that my diagnosis doesn’t define who I am or what I can do, only I can!
T o win this beautiful board
I think would be the start of a dream
T o learn to surf
L etting go of the dramas that hook us on land
E nter the water and find freedom
N o worries, no cancer, no chemo
I ’ve started my quest to do all the things I’ve always wanted
N eeding to prioritize what’s important
E mbrace the greatness life has to offer
R ealize it may not be what’s expected of me
O r what I thought was so necessary
C arving out a wave
K nowing what it feels like to fly on water
S uch a chance would be bliss
I have two beautiful daughters who I have raised to be very strong girls. As an example to my girls I am always trying new things but I keep my schedule of working out every morning. Sports have always been something I have strongly encouraged both of them to play. They have me as an example to pursue any activity they want. They have never felt they can’t do any activity. They are very strong girls because of their ability to try new things and engage in any thing they choose.
FACEBOOK! OMG I joined facebook and found all these friends who I went to college with and I saw what they are doing! I used to do so much back then and even though I workout every morning and am very involved with my kids activities, I so need to get back to doing the things I love and things I always wanted to try. I have started mountain biking, kayaking and cycling long distances. I have these two friends and I who have started a walker list. Things we want to try before we are using a walker!