Our most-asked-questions always seem to involve our real women “models.” Like most of us, our T9 models are ordinary women leading ordinary lives AND doing extraordinary things. So here’s your chance to get to know our models, the real women sporting our gear!
Send us your burning questions. What’s your earliest memory?? What was your worst date?? Do you think you have a calling in life?? Post your questions below then check out our catalog and web site for the inside information!
I think it would be fun to have some mom models playing with their kids in the catalogs. That is actually where I put those clothes to the test. My bathing suit top was purchased because of its near magical ability to stay put while my 2-year-old pulls on it with all her might at the pool. My dress looks good even after its been wadded up and packed in my gym bag along with the kids’ damp bathing suits. The hidden pocket in my skirt holds everything from my cell phone to used tissues the kids hand me right before running ahead down the street. And, of course, the only two sports bras that I can wear after breastfeeding two kids were bought at Title9. This store has a knack for mom-appropriate gear, and I think it would look great to have a mom and kids take a photographer along for the ride. And of course, if you need volunteers, my family is game. I’m 5’9 and I lost 75lbs after having my kids and am a size 4 after being a 10 before they came along. They make me work harder at everything, including eating healthier myself and exercising religiously. Couldn’t you just picture Title9 clothes on a busy mom, making her look great, even while chasing a toddler and co-opping at her son’s preschool during art project day…..?
I love your catalog but I keep going to back to what would I look like in that. Your models don’t represent my size. It would be nice to have a model that actual represents a person between sizes (12-11 or bigger) and with a size 36 c bust but a little droopy. Oh, let’s not forget the not so flat tummy. Maybe I am too old to order from your catalog but the clothes that you offer fit with my lifestyle. I love how versatile the clothing is and they hardly wrinkle. It would be nice to see a larger model to represent your clothing. That would give me a true expectation of what it would look like on me.
I have a burning desire for adventure, but can’t seem to get into a routine of fitness. Any tips on how to stay motivated? Any secrets for flat tummies after kids?
All of your models are attractive, fit and young! What about those of us who are interested in fitness and not so young? I think we’re very under represented!!
Yes, older women in general are undereppresented. That’s why it would be good if T9 had normal younger, and older women modeling their clothing again. They, T9, used to do this. I wonder what happened. Plenty of fit older women. I have been running for years. Me? addicted to exercise, and 5+with gray hair.
Any tips to managing a job and a family (with little kids) and still staying fit?
I am a full-time teacher and we have two girls, 8 and 5. I work out/run in the morning at 5:30 AM. My husband and I take turns with running the dog. It helps to have a dog, you know they need exercise, too.
Yhazi, What products do you use on your hair?
How did you become a T9 model? I would love to model for T9!
What makes you lace up your sneakers when there’s so much to do around the house and not much motivation left to workout?
For Stephanie,
I lace up my sneakers TO work around the house! Dressing the part is half the battle. I kit out in full workout gear to do the vacuuming, dishes, cut the vegetables, whatever. Then as soon as I’m done, I’m ready to run. No mental jump, no shifting gears. I’m already dressed, so I might as well get out there. Additional plus: you tend to be more athletic in doing your chores as well. Much easier to climb up on the counter to reach those cobwebs when you’re in spandex.
What is your best piece of advice for simplifying your life, so you can make time to have it all? (I’m an optimist – I believe this is possible!)
What’s the hardest athletic endeavour you have ever undertaken?