We know that listening to more financial news does not make us feel better. But a good walk, run, or ride does.
We know that some days it is nothing short of a miracle that we fit our workout in.
We know that a good sports bra is the key to a good workout.
We know that the best apparel can go through the washer and dryer.
We know that our happiest times are not spent behind a desk.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is not always the best way to travel.
What do you know now? Share the wisdom below.
Founder, Missy Park
We know that a bad hair day will always be better than a no hair day!
(Three year survivor)
Life is short,
Live every day
Have fun and laugh
Try new things
Follow your dreams
Age has no boundrys
Just do it
We know that it is better to be strong than super thin.
I know that propelling my body through space beats a workout at the gym any day!
it requires discipline and focus to take the time to have fun.
perhaps, this is why people “forget” to have fun…..
I know that I never found myself… so I created myself and I must say… Good Job!
We know that the kids will, in fact, grow out of this phase. They will get bigger, more fun and more able to join us.
I know that life at 50 is surely becoming the best time of my life, a time to push my boundaries, be less self-conscious, and be open to different experiences.
I know that it actually takes less energy to be positive about myself, rather than negative
We know that a hill is never as steep with a friend at our side.