Would you rather…
Be an assistant to Sarah Palin or to Robin Roberts for a year?
Think like Ruth Bader Ginsberg or play like Serena Williams?
Spend a day doing sit-ups or eating chocolate sundaes?
Only go barefoot or only wear high heels for the rest of your life?
Have a mind or a body that never aged?
Have to dress like Lady Gaga or Hilary Clinton till 2020?
Be invisible or be able to fly?
Tell us what you think and post your own Would-You-Rather below.
Have a sporty summer!
Missy Park, Founder
Jeesh! lighten up girls/ladies/women
Robin Roberts
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Chocolate Sundaes
I’d like to dress like Gaga, but would have to wear Hilary’s suit coat over it!
Would you rather be light of heart and see the fun in things, or lecture people on politics?
Yes, please
You will not loose me for mentioning Sarah Palin’s name. I can’t stand her but I love Title Nine too much and it really is not that big of deal. You hear her name every day on the news. As much as I don’t like it, you can’t pretend she doesn’t exist & there are people who like her. You did nothing wrong in my eyes.
In answer to your questions:
I would rather be an assistant to Robin Roberts – she is an inspiration!
I would rather play like Serena Williams.
I would like to eat Chocolate Sundae’s and then do sit-ups the next day 🙂
Barefoot – definitely! No high heels for me and I don’t care that I am only 5’1″
I am still a kid at heart and I am 49 yrs old.
I don’t think I would dress like Lady Gaga or Hilary Clinton in 2020.
There are times I would love to be invisible and there are times I would love to fly – it varies.
Thanks for the fun questions!
Well Missy,
I would rather find athletic gear that was actually targeted to people without perfect bodies. I spin, I do yoga and lift weights – however I’m not a size 6 – never been and never will be, but even your “large sizes” are cut too boy-like (i.e. straight) in the hips and thighs. Oh, BTW – I’m not fat – I’m fit, 49, and fabulous – even though my body is curvy.
And $60 for a t-shirt…really??? Really???
Can’t imagine having enough energy to keep up with Sarah Palin…but that would be my choice.
I love your catalog and will not give it up because you mention Ms. Palin. However, I did look up Robin Roberts (am not much of a TV fan) and I certainly would choose Ms. Roberts. (Ms. Palin strikes me as a bit shallow and an opportunist.) I might not want to dress like Hiliary Clinton, but I wouldn’t mind being an assistant for just a week to learn from the amazing woman. I don’t want the mind to age since that will help control the body. Without a doubt, I choose the barefoot over the high heels. I’ve always wanted to fly, but I’d like to do it while being invisible. I choose to think like myself. I enjoyed the questions, thinking about them and reading comments from others.
we already can do all that you listed above except be an assistant to Sarah Palin or Robin Roberts and we would not want to that, so just be the people we are
we can already think like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, my gf can play like Serena Williams
we would not want to be an assistant to either. We can already do all other thing on the list, so we rather be the ladies we are right now.
Oh Titlenine. You made a huge marketing error. The “assistant to” wwyrd is a travesty. Even mentioning Sarah Palin has been your death for me. The new catalog is in the recycline bucket and unitil they make a similar mistake, I guess your biggest catalogue rival “A” will get my business. Marketing mistakes 101: don’t associate yourself with ANY political candidate because you will lose about 1/2 your market without having any problems with your product.
Go to the pool and tow my little boy around in his floatie.