Day 2: What’s your new comfort zone?
We all know it’s easy to sidle up to what’s easy, but what have you done lately to push yourself to the next level? Have you been running two miles instead of one? Are you biking the whole trail instead of half? Can you hold that headstand without the wall behind ya? Whatever it is, we want to know about your new comfort zone. How are you challenging yourself to be your best self?
T9’s formula for pushing beyond our comfort zone:
Push, Recover, Celebrate!
The Payoff: If you still need that extra boost to pick up the pace, use us as an excuse! There could be a great prize if you do. Share your story and/or a photo of how you’ve made a former challenge your new norm and you could win a limited edition Power of 9 Tee and Title Nine water bottle. Remember, any improvement counts as long as you’re pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. As always, we give extra points for keeping it Title Nine. Don’t wait, get entered>
* Prize awarded based on availability –a substitute prize of equal or greater value may be awarded.
40 years ago Congress signed landmark legislation, Title IX, attacking the gender divide in sports. Today that divide has been virtually erased. In 1972, only 30,000 girls participated in high school sports. Today it’s over 3,000,000!! Because many of us here at Title Nine, including our founder, were there in the early years, we think there’s a lot to celebrate this year.
When I got into running in college, I was running a lot. At least 6 miles a day and I realized I maybe could run a marathon. My dad said I’d never do it. And that right there was enough motivation for me to run one. So I decided for my 21st birthday instead of getting drunk, I would run a full marathon. And I did. Six years later I’ve run 10 halfs and 2 fulls and plan on running more.
I decided about a year ago that I wanted to learn how to surf before I turned 50. I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. Years of depression I had gained a lot of weight – I was at 200 if not heavier. With determination and learning to believe in myself again and love myself again – I have dropped about 35 pounds and toned up. In august I head to Hawaii with a couple of my girl friends – we are all taking surfing lessons – I will be back home a little over a week before my 45th birthday. Next will be getting certified to dive.
Congratulations, Regina! We love your story and how you are tackling challenges becoming the ultimate surfer girl and increasing your health 🙂 Enjoy your new tee and water bottle as the winner of the Day 2: Comfort Zone Challenge!
I started working out with Insanity, which inspired me to try and finish a Warrior Dash. Now, my BFF and I are training to do one together in August!