Day 2: What’s your new comfort zone?
We all know it’s easy to sidle up to what’s easy, but what have you done lately to push yourself to the next level? Have you been running two miles instead of one? Are you biking the whole trail instead of half? Can you hold that headstand without the wall behind ya? Whatever it is, we want to know about your new comfort zone. How are you challenging yourself to be your best self?
T9’s formula for pushing beyond our comfort zone:
Push, Recover, Celebrate!
The Payoff: If you still need that extra boost to pick up the pace, use us as an excuse! There could be a great prize if you do. Share your story and/or a photo of how you’ve made a former challenge your new norm and you could win a limited edition Power of 9 Tee and Title Nine water bottle. Remember, any improvement counts as long as you’re pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. As always, we give extra points for keeping it Title Nine. Don’t wait, get entered>
* Prize awarded based on availability –a substitute prize of equal or greater value may be awarded.
40 years ago Congress signed landmark legislation, Title IX, attacking the gender divide in sports. Today that divide has been virtually erased. In 1972, only 30,000 girls participated in high school sports. Today it’s over 3,000,000!! Because many of us here at Title Nine, including our founder, were there in the early years, we think there’s a lot to celebrate this year.
5 years ago I was training for a marathon, I ran to mile 20 and hurt my knee. This year I am training for it again and will be crossing that finish line!!!
I completed my first 100mile bike ride last month in Santa Rosa, CA. It took me 8hrs and I completed 94miles. The sag wagon took me that last 6miles to the finish line. My hip was hurting and I just didn’t have anymore in me to complete that final push up the hill. I will conquer the same next year, for sure!
At 42, I have decided enough is enough! I completely changed my eating habits, kicking out all sugar products. I have encouraged my children to become more active. I have started jogging with my 11 year old son in the mornings before school. On Saturdays, my son and I take an hour long walk. I exercise daily now, doing 20 minutes on the treadmill for cardio and a 30-40 minute workout after for more cardio and strength training. The best of all: all my PMS symptoms (which have been getting worse as I have gotten older) have COMPLETELY disappeared!!
I just started running a year ago. My comfort zone was 5K now I’m pushing to make 10K and eventually a half-marathon! If I can’t run I feel like I’m missing something…funny how things can change in a year :).
I recently bought a pair of clip-in bike shoes, but was very afraid to actually use them for fear I would fall…a lot. I set aside an afternoon and had a friend help me practice in a park to get used to them, and have now successfully completed 2 25+ mile bikes while using them! I know at some point I will probably fall, but now have the confidence to use them in my upcoming triathlon.
I decided that at the age of 39 I was going to train for a half marathon and run it at 40 years old. I have always been active but mostly in the gym – lifting weights, cardio, yoga, etc. And I have never been a ‘runner’ In June 2010, I ran my first half marathon at the age of 40 and since then have done 3 other and hurt my LCL on the last one BUT that did not stop me – I decreased my running but I am back training and looking to run my first marathon – hopefully in June at the same race I ran my half marathon.
I have been running many years, but wanted to add to that. So during the new year I started a cardo/power lifting class at the Y and have added this to my regular running schedule. It has been a challenge to go to this class, because it is my second ‘exercise’ of the day, especially during my 1/2 marathon training, but the payoff has been awesome!! I am running better, more painfree and stronger!! I love how it makes me feel!!
I started running with a coach after a hip injury thinking it would just get me back on the road. My new comfort zone is on Tuesdays and Thursdays with my running group as we do tempos, intervals, running drills, and mile repeats. I am pushing my mile time every week and with that came a renewed love of distance running. The best part is knowing I went in with the desire to just start running again and each day the challenge is to finish happy.
Im pushing myself for training for a half marathon and a sprint tri!! Love mixing it up!!
One week from today, I’ll be walking in the Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon to fight cancer. I’m 55 years old and I’m doing this because I lost my beautiful sister, Valerie, last year to cervical cancer. I’d done a couple of marathons in the last few years, but I got out of shape last year going back and forth to Utah to take care of her (and would have been glad to do it for years go come). It’s been super hard trying to get back in shape and I’m not where I want to be, yet. But getting fit and active, again, has been the best “medicine” and I’ve met the most wonderful people. Doing marathons to fight cancer is my new normal and I’m already looking forward to the NIKE Women’s Marathon in San Francisco in October 🙂