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At 67 I stay fit so my life is fun, strong and healthy. I ran my first marathon at 60 and I’m still running with the grand kids. I’m addicted to Zumba and will take as many classes a week that my schedule allows. I believe all seniors need to stay active in order to avoid the pitfalls of getting older. I taught physical education for a career and my main goal was to inspire my students to continue their love to move in the activity of their choice.
At 67 I stay fit so my life is fun, strong and healthy. I ran my first marathon at 60 and I’m still running with the grand kids. I’m addicted to Zumba and will take as many classes a week that my schedule allows. I believe all senior need to stay active in order to avoid the pitfalls of getting older. I taught physical education for a career and my main goal was to inspire my students to continue their love to move in the activity of their choice.
i am fit for life, there is no turning back now!!!!!
I am fit, NOT fat, to carry twins and to healthfully nourish them with my big, full breasts! I am fit in mind, body and spirit to love my “imperfect” body as it is today.
I just turned 60 yesterday and I am fit to take long hiking trips, power walk 4 miles every day, do Piyo and yoga and keep up with a cardio class of girls young enough to be my daughters.
Fit to be an active grandma!!!!
I’m fit for whatever life throws my way…
I’m fit to hike, backpack, bicycle, cross country ski, classical or skate, groomed or backcountry, go to the health club for cardio and weights. I’m fit to enjoy the outside beauty of my state, Alaska. I also just turned 63. Fitness is the Fountain of Youth. It’s not your chronological time you are on the earth, but how you use that time to grow into the person you are now.
I am 58 love to run and Fit to play and keep up with our 3 grandsons!!
I am fit for finishing my yoga instructor certification, springtime landscaping, keeping our dog and family healthy!