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I am fit for LIVING my busy life, LOVING my awesome boys, family and friends and ENJOYING most every day. Thanks for the great clothes and encouraging message to live fit.
I am fit for the 4 triathlons i have signed up for this year. . I did 2 last year plus a full century ride around Lake Tahoe. At 55, i have come to terms with my weight which has ranged from 180 -200 on my 5’8″body most of my adult life. I know i will be successful training and completing my events. My ongoing challenge is finding clothing like that offered by Title Nine in my size so i don’t have to resort to ill fitting men’s clothes or plus sized women’s clothes intended for someone larger than me.
I am a 52-year old breast cancer survivor. I am fit to be a positive role model and to age gracefully!
I am 64, still running my business and now living at the Beach. Life is good my kids still marvel (thank god) at my energy. I love to run on the sand..up the hills…swim with my master swimming buddies. Staying fit keeps me going, energizes my mind and keeps my clients laughing at me! I still have Title 9 clothes I bought when i started my triathlon training 15 yrs ago and they still look new! Gotta love it!
I stay fit to set a good example for my five year old son and to be the best version of myself!
I’m 59 and have done more athletic activities in my fifties than any previous decade! I’ve done several triathlons, a half marathon and a 5-day ride in the Rocky Mountains. I plan to keep staying active, as long as possible. I see the difference it makes & I enjoy it!
I am fit to do my first mini triathalon this year at 64 . I am fit to do 10k and 5ks with my daughters and grandchildren. What a joy to share our time together. I ran my first marathon at 50. I agree with Starr Green, seniors need to stay active and why not stay active with your children and grandchildren. LIfe is good and fit.
At 61, winning current battle over breast cancer in 2013, learning how to live again in 2014, I am learning what my new “normal” athletic activities and my “improved” body can handle – I’m not who I used to be…better!
Wearing such cool workout clothes gives me a big boost to my confidence and how I feel when I look at myself, in the gym and walking, wogging (slow jog walking), cycling and swimming. Even though my body is aging, my mind is still young at heart, and activity clothing help me ROCK my life’s adventures 😉
I am fit for interval training on aerobic machines, walking around the whole campus of the University of Alabama, and Pilates. I just finished chemo and radiation for breast cancer, but was able to start exercising as soon as I finished chemo. Even during chemo, I walked the dog as much as I could. I think my active lifestyle was one reason that I bounced back from the chemo as well as I did – besides the fact that I was only at Stage I. Title Nine has the most colorful and inspiring active wear that makes me proud to go to the gym and walk on campus.
At 56, I love to run which keeps me fit for skinny dipping in the coolness of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. No T9 attire required, but I love wearing it while training for the next exploration.