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or the 70 something that still does her mile and a half on the treadmill daily and lifts weights, plays 18 holes 4 days in a row and shoots in the 90″s with a wrist brace. Go granny go.
I am the one who believed others when told that I am NOT an athlete and lived that life for 50 years. Then one day, I decided why not me? Now I run, kayak, paddle board, snow shoes and am riding my first RAGBRI this summer. Who is an athlete? Anyone who believes in themselves despite what others tell them.
Too much emphasis on ‘winning’ on your list Missy. Better words are ‘trying’, ‘participating,’ ‘starting,’ ‘striving.’
She’s the 51 yr old Mom of 4 sons, who started training with her 24yo competitive powerlifting son last June because she didn’t want to have a sore back delivering bread for a living like everybody else in the bakery where she started working …who is , SO FAR, dead-lifting 185 lbs 🙂 Oh, and no sore back…
She’s the one who is always trying to improve her game and is in it for the love of the game (whatever her game might be).
This is what I kept reading the week before conquering my first sprint triathelon at age 50, and a second mini-tri two months later.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs…[And] if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” Theodore Roosevelt
Found my stride in my mid-30’s. Always exercised and was active but at 41 with two tween-agers and a 21 month old I feel like I am in the bet shape mentally and physically of my life! Thanks for celebrating us real women!
PS. I love Prudence’s comments above mine!
I am 67 years old and I swim 3 times a week, walk/run 2-3 times a week, do yoga and Pilates most days and weight train 5 days a week. I have never been fitter and I feel great! So happy to read your definition of an athlete because I guess I’m one of them too! I believe to be our best in life we women need to be fit- at all ages. That’s my life’s plan.
She is willing to try any physical feat, despite what others may think.
I completed my 1st tri @ age 65.
I believe all those things that you have said about ATHLETES.
I have survived 4 cancers; each time, I have gotten more involved in exercise.
So… I’m my oldest and maybe FITTEST now!
p.s. i have written/emailed Title Nine == no one loves your underpants more than I do!