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Working Out
An athlete is the woman who sets an active goal and puts her all into trying to achieve it.
Another vision of an athlete:
She gets up each day knowing what is in front of her. She takes her pills with breakfast knowing that she will be sick to her stomach by lunch. She suffers through the many symptoms of her disease without saying anything to anyone. Most people around her don’t realize she is sick, she’s that good at hiding it. She makes it to the end of the workday sapped of any energy she had. The drive home reminds her that her family is waiting for dinner and all her attention.
She breathes deep, steels her will and commands herself mentally and physically to give others what they need of her. She willingly gives what energy she doesn’t have, knowing that it will set her back in treatment.
She recognizes what is most important in life because she is so precariously perched at losing her own.
After all the pajamas, teeth brushing, prayers and goodnight kisses she slowly descends the stairs, careful not to lose balance or pull a muscle. She knows her friends take stairs for granted, she did too, before….
She settles into a chair and thinks about all the things she would love to do. Hike the trails just across the bridge, beach comb, swim, everything she used to love and will likely never do again even if she does live.
Once she has enough energy, she gets back up, finishes the chores, takes her evening pills and heads to bed. She will begin again tomorrow.
I submit that the toughest athletes are the men and women who have lost their ability to be on the trails, hike that peak, skate that board, or catch that wave. The ones who know exactly what they have lost and mourn it deeply. The people who will look at a bleak tomorrow, steel their will and walk toward it bravely. They still are athletes, they still push their bodies to the limit each day, and they still will not accept defeat.
Salutes to you athletes who have lost much, but have gained much more by climbing different mountains.
Athletes (to me): a group of women all over 55 who decided to get together to train for a mini triathlon. Encompassing a whole range of physical fitness, we call ourselves the PebbleCreek TriChicks, and we have now been together for 3 years. We’ve formed amazing friendships supporting each other through all of life’s ups and downs. Mini triathlons, relay triathlons, swim relays, Color Run 5Ks, we’ve done them all and had many parties to celebrate! This past year the decision was made to support a women’s shelter and provide curtains, rugs, linens and other necessities for a casita there. This is such an amazing group of compassionate, caring women! And all of us are also athletes.
I believe an athlete is one who moves/exercises the body in spite of physical limitations- just does it!
Wow… I think I’m an Athlete! Working out in all forms is part of my life, running, biking, kayaking, rowing, weight training, hiking, etc. Not a superstar in any one sport but will hang in anything. With my husband in the Army and gone months at a time and a child, the only time I have to get the workout in is 4:30am M-F. And always some form on the weekends with my son. Love that he is now 8 and can do and enjoy most anything. I watch what I eat, what I put in my body. When asked why I workout so much, or how can I get up that early or why I eat the way I do, I have always answered “I’m in training!” When asked for what, I answer “For whatever opportunity/challenge life throws at me!” I have been in better shape in my 30-40’s then I have ever been in my life. Love that Title Nine is about real Women, I know so many and they are beautiful inside and out and I have turned them all on to Title Nine!
She may also be the poor woman who can’t afford a gym membership, but walks to work every day where she does hard sweaty physical work all day long.
She may not look pretty or thin and you probably don’t even notice her cleaning your hotel room while you’re doing your triathlon, but she has more stamina than anyone else I know.
She’s the one making a comeback after a terribly torn ACL playing women’s league volleyball. She’s the one who gets up at 4:00 a.m. because it’s the only time when kids, work or husband don’t need her. She’s the one with so much love for sport and an intense inner drive that can accomplish ANYTHING!
She’s the 60 year old breast cancer survivor and grandmother of two whose first 9K was the Title 9K in Chicago!
I was diagnosed with a physical condition that means no more field hockey, Zumba, or running. I’ve had to adjust my thinking from pushing my limits to taking pride in what I can do. Staying active is sometimes hard and sometimes painful, but it still feels great!
Actually, SHE doesn’t look anything like ME! I’m 5 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds. And I’M just as active as SHE is but it’s not acceptable, nor profitable, to make clothing that fits ATHLETES like ME. Thanks anyway.