-Use your outside voice
-A pull up
-Change your own tire
-Hold your ground
-Take the last piece
-Grab the brass ring
-Be a bad mother, just for a minute
-Catch a fish
-Hike or run – by yourself
-Learn to make a real fire; the kind with kindling
-Laugh really loud
-Something, everyday
Missy Park
Leave the laundry and go outside on sunny fall days!
I promise to do something everyday that makes me smile, or skip, or love ,or brings joy, or just gives me an intense belly laugh!! Do life!!
ZUMBA The fitness party that packs a punch… transforming hearts. minds.. bodies…influencing changes big and small in those of all ages!!! Music and dance speak a universal language..Just do
Today: Get up, get the baby (9 mo) fed. Then, my oldest (6) wakes up. Then the third born (3), then the second born (5) wakes up. She is sick, so she slept in until 7:15. I worked all day at a pediatric dental office as a dental hygienist. Came home played with the kids, did some painting with them, got dinner made and cleaned up. Then made a peach pie for our elderly neighbor. Got all the kids to bed (8:00pm) and looked at my mail….”yes!” new title nine magazine….looked at that and saw that I better write down what I did today.
convince title nine to open a retail store on the East Coast…
be proud of every accomplishment, no matter how big or small