For me, strength starts with my body, and as my body grows stronger and more competent, it fuels a strength in my spirit. It fuels the strength to
Say no and mean it.
Say yes and mean it.
Take a risk and fail.
Take a risk and succeed.
It fuels the strength to quit.
And, begin again.
Missy Park
Strength…the fortitude to be authentic, despite the groove life has carved for you.
Strength is whats inside way deep in my very core when I’m struggling to take that last step, run that last quarter mile or just deal with my life. It is the knowing of all the strong women that I come from whose blood runs through my very veins. Knowing that there are days where I may stumble & fall . But having that inner strength to get up and push and breathe through it. It is who I want to be…finding and living in my strength!
I rip out all Missy’s intros and post them on my wall. I do more than recycle T9 catalogs the traditional way… I use them to cover my office space walls for inspiration. Thanks Title Nine!