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I would rather INSPIRE than lead. I’d love to work for a smart, insightful woman with a great sense of humor, and wear comfortable gorgeous dresses all the time – except when I am playing like an world class olympic athlete. I gave up burpies forever when I turned 50, so you will find me eating chocolate. And I’ll take the power of gratitude over other fantastical dreams.
Please leave politics out of Title Nine.
And to mention Palin is like rubbing extra salt in the wound as she is represents the worst of politics in either party, extreme partisanship.
At least Palin didn’t go back and forth on her stands or beliefs.
Not ALL costumers dislike the political humor.
Would you rather date a professional athlete or be a professional athlete?
Would you rather be on the cover of Time or be a Sports Iiustrated Swimsuit Model?
What is up with Title Nine’s obsession with Sarah Palin??!! A few years ago they named a bra after her (a great way to get people to NOT buy that bra, IMHO) and now her name is on this cheesy questionnaire. Republican much, Title Nine?
We are staunchly non-partisan in our belief that the world will be a much better place if there are more women out there leading and swinging for the fences. We are pro-woman Republicans, we are pro-woman Democrats, we are pro-woman wrestlers and comedians and managers and athletes and scientists and thinkers.
We believe that the more women there are in leadership positions the less likely we, as women, are to be judged by the performance of any one woman. Lead on, Sarah and Hillary, RBG and Sonia, Elizabeth and Nikki, and Indra and Meg and Marissa!
Well said Title Nine, but I don’t consider Sarah Palin a leader in any way.
I would buy that bra and love to spend time with Sarah Palin. What is your dislike for her?
In a life with balance, why choose? We can have it whichever way we need it in any given day….pants by day, dress by night, play hard, think soundly, eat chocolate and then do the burpees, and really, why not transport my invisible self???
Would you rather be recognized by the crowd when you walk into a room or would you rather surprise the crowd when they thought they had you figured out?
Merkel, Race, Fey, Dresses, neither chocolate or burpees (how about planks!), Williams, Teleportation.
Amazing Race
Palin (just to really find out WTF???)
Chocolate (how is there even another option?)
Serena Baby!
Teleportation – great, now i will spend the rest of my day dreaming about this….
As Sarah Palin posted a while ago, We would all be better off if more women had pictures of themselves holding a fish (they fished for) than holding up cameras in front of mirrors taking a selfies.
I’ll join Sarah while wearing a dress and eating chocolate
As many have already posted, the beauty of our success is that we have the ability to choose. I only wish that as women, we would stop and think before we bash other women, for the choices they have made (or their political affiliation).
Merkel, Amazing Race, Fey, dresses, chocolate, Serena, teleportation