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Occupation: Fisheries biologist
Preoccupations: sunrise hikes, wildflower identification, and coffee
Family project: Creating a cherry pie tasting rank with my dad (aka we eat lots of pie).
Best job: Snorkeling whitewater rivers in Idaho for fish surveys!
Claim to fame: Racing the fastest guy in my swim class in college. And winning.
I emailed you about the T9 model search!
Occupation: Account Director
Preoccupation: Food & Travel Writer
Dream occupation: Broadway singer (unfortunately, I can’t sing)
What I would take to a desert island: mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
— Mark Twain
Caption: Fearless Acceptance
Story: 43, daughter of John and Nancy. My parents are my Best Friends. Love outdoor life, animals, and my 7 year old twin daughters saved my life, literally. My husband is a Saint. Thank goodness. In 6th grade, my gym teacher told me I beat the mile by running it in 6 minutes. She was proud of me and so was I. I’ve been running ever since. I call Running, Free Therapy.
Passions: Science (more specifically Computational Biophysics), Yoga, the Ocean & Eating
Passionate: Leaving the world a better place than I found it by doing something small every day.
Non-negotiable: Time with the people I love, yoga, learning something new every day!
My caption: outer beauty comes from within one’s inner beauty
Occupation: full-time philanthropist, artists, painter, truth seeker, wanderer, lover, sister, daughter, writer
Superpower: emo-tele-por-tational
Claim to fame: it makes my nerves bad
My caption: “Let’s do a cartwheel!”
Typical day at the “office”: sitting on top of the Sleeping Indian staring at the Tetons
Baking 16 dozen cookies
Occupation: Pastry Chef and Hiking Guide….best of both worlds!
Winter Mode of transportation: snowmobile (we snowmobile 9 miles to get home)
Nickname: Pistol Packin’ Mama (my pink handled pistol always accompanies me in the mountains)
Tidbits: I’ve been tracked by a mountain lion…I’m a twin!….I love Jesus…..I went to a two-room schoolhouse in Montana
Occupation: Full-time lover & believer in humankind-ness
Superpower: Collector of freckles, like stars in the sky
Favorite mode of transportation: The yoga mat, riding and guiding others to the universe of self
I emailed you about the Jackson Hole/Idaho Falls model search. Here is my caption:
Nickname: Dally Llama
Claim to Fame: Slept outside when MN broke their record coldest temperature.
Hidden Talent: A mean Dutch oven peach cobbler baked over an open fire.
Super Power: Small yet mighty
Occupation: Hammer swinging blacksmith
Preoccupation: Logging big mountain miles in my running shoes, prepping for an ultra marathon!
Latest adventure: scuba diving with the fishes in Indonesia
Current adventure: writing this while riding a local bus in Nepal, heading out to trek in the Himalaya!
Wishes she had: a bigger power hammer
Pet peeve: dirty dishes in the sink
Non-negotiable: awesome running shoes, Extratuf rubber boots, and a drawer full of comfy cute socks