Next Stop — New Zealand

We are all back to McMurdo after a whirlwind successful season. The last of the science groups left at the end of January. A few carpenters and electricians came out from town to help our camp staff of 16 take down every stick of CTAM. We pulled all the bamboo flags, packed all the boxes and broke down town as the numbers shrank. We loaded and weighed Air Force pallets set by the runway to be taken back to town. By the end we were all exhausted and missing the shower house (one of the first places to go). Plane after plane came and hauled away the pieces of our fairytale summer of never-ending day.

Shots of CTAM

In all we supported about 18 science groups. There were geologists, paleontologists, ichnologists, soil analysts, magnotelaluric studies, glaciologists, meteorite gatherers, and environmental teams, weather station repair teams, and crevasse detection teams. As the summer plodded along these groups used our camp as a base from where they would take helicopter trips out to nearby landmarks. A few groups stayed out in smaller camps of their own and used our camp to get re-supplied and local aid. Many evenings the galley rang with stories of fossils found. Petrified wood, burned forests, dinosaur bones and teeth, footprints of large reptiles and small worms, ripple marks from ancient shores, leaf impressions and long gone root and stem systems.

Together these men and women were putting together a more accurate understanding of Antarctica’s roll in Gondwana (super continent), of ancient climate and ecology. Compiling accurate lists of plants and animals that lived here, and seeing where else they live on the world and what they have evolved into. They are proving more about plate tectonics, mapping what the earths crust looks like under the Transantarctics, and getting a better understanding of what we can expect from future climate change.

It was great to get to touch and see these long frozen pieces of the past. To sit and chat and learn from the professors and grad-students that knew so much was a treat for which I am thankful.

Back in McMurdo we checked in our gear and cleaned our tents, compiled end of season reports and applied for next year. In a few days I will fly back to New Zealand. I am looking forward to being a place with smells, nighttime, animals, plants and children. I’ll spend a few weeks in NZ learning about cheese making at a dairy then head home to my own farm for the summer. This whole adventure has been wonderful, and as adventures do, it has sparked the fire for what comes next.


Surf Camp “Tip” Of the Day – Our Favorite Learnings…

Costa Rica Surf Camp with Pura Vida Adventures

Every day after surfing, we’d get together and talk about the day, how we did and what we learned. We all had some great learnings.  Check back here every day as we continue to share with you, what we learned at surf camp…

Previous “Tips” of the Day:

“Tip” of the Day:
Take the leash off your foot before you walk away – or the board comes with you!
Sarah, Santa Monica, CA

“Tip” of the Day:

Make sure your drawers fit nice and tight or the ocean will take ’em right off!
Jennifer, San Rafael, CA

“Tip” of the Day:

Everything in surfing you can equate to life. The harder you fight the ocean, the harder it is to surf. The harder you fight in life, the harder you fight to succeed.
Jen, New York

“Tip” of the Day:

It’s the subtleties. Just one little thing is all it takes to nail a move

“Tip” of the Day:

Learning new things mentally and physically is what keeps you young. You’re never too old to do it all…
Georgann, Long Beach, CA (age: 62!)

Melissa, Vancouver, B.C.


Costa Rica Surf Camp with Pura Vida Adventures

Remember last Summer’s Costa Rica Surf Contest winner Alissa? Well, we’ve followed her and her college gal pal Kate down south to capture the fun. Check out the wins and wipeouts of their surf education as we document their week-long adventure. All of this is possible through the generosity of our friends at Pura Vida Adventures who host all-women surf and yoga retreats. We’ll be talking more about Pura Vida Adventures, Alissa and Kate in the coming days so stay tuned!

In the meantime, click here to learn more about Alissa (last Summer’s surf camp winner).


This One Time…at Surf Camp

Costa Rica Surf Camp with Pura Vida Adventures

It’s Costa Rica. It’s surf camp. It’s all-women and it’s truly awesome!

I just spent the past week laughing, crying, learning and bonding with an incredible group of women from all different backgrounds, age groups and locales. Everyone was there for a different reason. There were women trying to find themselves and on a personal sabbatical. There was a very thoughtful Christmas gift from a husband, a break in between grad schools (yes, plural), a 40th birthday celebration, a sister reunion, a couple straight-up vacations, two contest winners and two Title Niners there to document the whole thing.

I don’t remember the last time I was thrown into a group of people that I didn’t already know to spend a considerable amount of time. Jury duty maybe? (But I don’t think that counts.) As you can imagine, things start off a bit slow, both from a conversational standpoint as well as a surf learning-curve. We were taught about the ocean, rip currents, waves and general safety. We then moved on to “pop up’s”—how to pop yourself up onto your board in one swift, core tightening movement. Mind you, this is all before we get into the water. We don’t yet know each other and we’re all a bit awkward. But by late afternoon on the first day, our first lesson under our belts, we were in the ocean putting our new knowledge to good use. I was pummeled quite a few times. I’d never surfed before and I’m proud to say that I was up and riding waves within a few tries. Others were more fortunate and riding like the soon-to-be-pros that they are and yet others were less fortunate; you could read the frustration on their faces.

We did this for days and days on end. We got into a routine. Yoga in the morning, then breakfast and surfing directly after. A few hours in the water, a hearty lunch, free time in the afternoon and dinner together again in the evening. The conversations flowed like we were old friends and the soon-to-be memories of surf camp were rapidly forming. All the while everyone was genuinely interested in how the others did. Did you catch a wave? Did you ride it in? How was it? How did you feel? I heard these questions over and over again. The best part is that none of this is forced. It’s all organic and natural. You can take a group of women who were complete strangers and give them this opportunity to face their fears and challenge their athletic abilities. It’s what I loved the most and what I’ll miss at home in my normal non-surfing life.

What did I learn? That surfing is hard. The ocean challenges you mentally as well as physically. Writing this, I can still feel the swells of the ocean rise and fall. I can hear the roar of the waves and almost literally feel the energy and power of the ocean forcing itself onto the shore. It’s enchanting and a bit hypnotic. While concentrating on my new found skills and paddling with all of my might, it’s hard to remember your troubles and frustrations and everyday life. There’s a euphoric feeling that takes over while you’re surfing. Then within an instant, I’m rolled and tossed in the surf. I regain my footing with a bit more respect and understanding than I had a moment before.

In summary, if you have the opportunity to go to an all-women’s surf camp, take it! I never thought that I would make new friends, learn a lot about myself and have a thoroughly enjoyable time with 12 strangers. Tierza, the founder of Pura Vida Adventures, has inspired this camp with her own heart and soul and it shows. It’s not about increasing the camp size and quantity or even about generating greater participation. While she is focused on running a successful business, she’s also created a camp that gives everyone a unique and individual experience. Where women aren’t competitive but supportive. It’s about breathing in the nature of Costa Rica and realizing that you’re alive. Surfing is empowering and she’s empowering all her camp participants every day. So I thank Pura Vida Adventures as well as the women who shared in my experience. My trip and its learnings will be remembered for many years to come.

By Jennifer McClelland
Title Niner


Our Super Role Models

Because we get so many questions about our “models,” I thought I’d share some of our guidelines:

Rule #1: If you’ve always wanted to be a model, you can’t model for us. We only use gals with real bodies — no additives or preservatives.

Our “models” have real jobs or consuming passions. Since we spend a LOT of time with our “models,” they’ve gotta be interesting and interested, someone with whom we’d want to spend a lot of time.

And always, unselfconsciously confident.

In the end, our “models” are regular women, leading regular lives, lives not so very different from our own.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder
