Meet Alissa (our Title Nine surf camp winner)

Alissa Pywell geared up and headed down to Costa Rica for a week-long adventure with her (super-lucky) friend Kate. “I am excited to be able to try surfing again…and to get into Yoga.” Alissa told us, “Neither are things that I avidly partake in at home.”

Alissa avidly partakes of many other things, though. She lists camping, biking, volleyball, swimming, backpacking, snowboarding, kayaking, and exploring (phew!) among her interests. “I am very outdoorsy and love to travel,” says this 29-year-old outdoor program coordinator at Illinois State University. “My greatest accomplishments have been working with young people, introducing them to nature, and showing them that they can do anything!”

That kind of idealism seems to be second nature to Alissa. “I like to show that I can swim, snowboard, and mountain bike hard in a size 12, and I like to encourage others to keep trying new things no matter their age, weight, or perceived ability. I think Title Nine shares that mission and I’d like to promote that through this trip.”

Although she entered T9’s contest “on a whim,” that hasn’t kept Alissa from making big plans. “I am looking forward to being in a community of women and getting to know some new friends,” she says. “I am most excited about being able to explore the area and discover some of the natural history of Costa Rica.” But, in addition to the snorkeling, hiking, talking to locals, eating local food, and “watching sunsets over the water,” Alissa is most psyched about time with her pal Kate. “She and I are friends from college and haven’t seen each other in a few years. What a great excuse to spend some time together!”

Okay, okay! We admit it: We’re envious!


Play Time

We’ve been on the move a lot lately here at Title Nine.  Mostly with making sure we get you the gear you need, but also with getting out to play and being active.  In fact, here are a few snippets of what we’ve been up to.

Trail Marathon Relay

ATC Group Shot

K Starting Relay
KC and T flying towards the trail

Fitness Throwdown – A physical challenge pitting the Distribution Center Folks vs The Home Office Folks

The Two Teams (Dist Center in first pic and Home Office in second)

Event 1 – Prowler Push & Burpees plus Event 2 – Pool Noodle Hockey

Throwdown Champions with their trophy

January 14th, 2011

The weeks are flying by here at CTAM! The holidays were good though it seemed arbitrary to have them as there is no distinction between night and day or from November to December to January. Only the emails and letters from home reminded us it was that time of year. Our galley was dimmed and a feast awaited us on Christmas night. A few people played a violin, a mandolin and a guitar and we all sat around and ate until our gift exchange. T-shirts from science projects, extra female urinals, used books, massage certificates, extra lotions, hidden bags of real coffee, weather balloons filled with helium, candy and a backgammon board were among the random gifts. We had a two day weekend filled with skiing, hiking nearby on the hills, board games, snow volleyball and naps.

About five of the eighteen science groups are done and have returned to a world with nights, stars, internet, traffic and kitchens of their own.

Each day we meet in the galley for breakfast between 7-8 o’clock, followed by morning announcements, flight schedules, camp tasks assignments and stretching (usually turns into a mini yoga session). After this we drift into out daily tasks.

Some people prepare reports or grade papers they brought with them, or write essays for journals. Operators climb into machines and groom the runway and town, move gear and rocks toward outgoing flights or around camp. Mechanics fix snow machines, heaters, generators and rock saws broken in the field. Others monitor air traffic, fuel aircraft, or catalogue and build cargo pallets, clean common facilities, shovel snow and there is never ending cooking and baking. I spend much of my morning assisting helicopter operations on the camp side.
I assure that the next group of sciencetist going out is weighed, briefed and ready for loading. In the evening I meet them on return and load their gear into sleds pulled by a snow machine.

About twice a week we get an LC-130 from McMurdo, bearing fresh food, mail from town, new visitors/scientists/rotating staff. They haul away our recycling, waste, tons of rocks for analysis, and people at the end of their stay. Today weather is poor in McMurdo (though sunny and beautiful here) so a flight with 37 people from South Pole unable to land in McM is rerouting here. We are scrambling to make dinner, tent sites, chairs, outhouses and melted water meant for 62 people to accommodate 99. I have not seen so many people in two months.


Some of my favorite quotes

“It is easier to be forgiven than to get permission.” (Always)

“Courage is not the absence of fear but the mastery of it.” (The absence of fear is stupidity)

“Momentum cures all ills.” (But it may also be the death of me)

“It takes more certainty than talent to be a leader.” (Hmmm, not sure what that says, but I still think it’s true)

“Whether you think you’re a winner or you think you’re a loser, you’re right.” (Enough said, yes?)

“It is easier to be forgiven than to get permission.” (Really, always)

Share some of your favorite quotes below.

Missy's signature

Missy Park
