Golden Opportunities

sue-schmidt-head-shot-tweaked-croppedAt 77, Sue Schmidt doesn’t mince words, or pull punches. She has a clear message for the older women of America: “Get out of your black pants and do something! We need to set goals and believe in ourselves…and it all starts with SPORT!”

This tough love is based on understanding and experience. “Women my age didn’t have team sports growing up. I am so thrilled that this has finally happened to women. Women who have had team sports in their background are going to rise to the top, there’s no question about it.” For her generation, it’s more a matter of will and, often, bravery. Sue hadn’t been athletic at all until, at the age of 42 and in the face of resistance, she took the leap and headed into the woods with Outward Bound. She assured her husband and three children that they’d survive her two-and-a-half-week absence and walked out the door. “I didn’t know how to swim. I didn’t know how to do anything. It was the greatest thing I’ve ever done!”

Thus began 35 years of “adventure and travel.” She’s biked across the country, earned a black belt, run the Boston Marathon, climbed Kilimanjaro and to Everest’s base camp, hiked the 100-mile Mont Blanc circuit, ran a half-marathon in Antarctica, and was the third woman to reach the North Pole without mechanical aid. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended): she’s spent the last 7 years of this incredible life living with cancer. Certain things have changed—immune system problems have cut back on her globetrotting—but she hasn’t slowed down. “Next week I have a 5-hour chemotherapy session. I’ll leave the hospital and go directly to the gym.”

The most fascinating thing is how easy she makes it all sound. When I asked her tosue-schmidt-athletic-tweaked describe fitting what I imagined to be a grueling training regimen into her daily life (which currently involves owning a Girls on the Run franchise, a self-esteem program for 8-to-11-year-old girls that culminates in a 5k run), she said that the crucial thing is simply deciding to do it. She does work out every day of the week, but she also insists, “I’m a weekend warrior. I’m not good at anything. I’m a hacker, always learning.”

Maybe it’s humility. And maybe it’s the life-lesson Sue wants to share: “Women are wonderful and they don’t always know it. I’m always telling them they should be a lighthouse or a ladder for other women. When they say to me ‘Oh, I couldn’t do that,’ I say, ‘Yes you can. You really and truly are smarter and stronger and more powerful than you could possibly ever imagine.’”

Here’s to Sue fulfilling her next dream: running the New York Marathon at 80.


Home: York, PA

Occupation: Retired from a lot of stuff. Now I volunteer.

Education: 6 months shy of my college degree.

Partner: John, husband of 53 years.

Children: Three…and four grandchildren.

Age: 77

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 130

Sports, past and present: yoga, running, biking, hiking, climbing, dragonboat racing

Little known fact about you: I’m frustrated that I’m not president of Saks Fifth Ave. I’m a fashion freak.

Guilty pleasure: Don’t ever take my wine away from me! I love to talk and eat dark chocolate and drink wine. I really love to eat, which I guess is another reason I’m in the gym all the time. Though it’s not guilty!

Greatest Triumph: Getting to the North Pole. I was the third woman to stand at the North Pole and get there by unsupported means. And it was tough. We were on cross-country skis and it was dangerous. It was the first trip they’d done with amateurs. I was sixty and I wasn’t feeling tip-top, but I couldn’t turn it down when I had the opportunity to go. Getting there alive was probably my proudest accomplishment.

Favorite thing to do when not working or working out: Reading. I never watch TV, but I love movies. I’m a real flick chick. And I think I’m the only person in the world who still writes letters.

Favorite Quote: “Life is a permanent boot camp and we must always be in training.”

MWF: 1.5 at the gym.
T TH:  Go to the track
Sat: Walk and run in the park
Sun: Biking


Holiday Haikus at Title Nine

holiday-haiku-bagSubmit your original Holiday Haiku for a chance to win a sweet Haiku Messenger Bag embroidered with your poem! Click here to refresh your memory on what a haiku is. We’ll pick our favorite 5 haikus and then the Timeout community will choose the grand prize winner. The fave 5 will all receive a 1 year Team T9 membership. The gift that keeps on giving.

Enter to win by 6PM PST December 16th, voting will begin December 18th. Winners will be announced on December 24th.

The submission period has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated. The finalists will be posted soon. Stay tuned!


Turkey Trot Traditions

Do you pound the pavement before you pack on the pie? How about waddle through a post-Thanksgiving trot? Outside of the big feast, do you have a Thanksgiving Day tradition you’d like to share?

Inspire or confess your traditions below.


Thankful for the ones who came before…

thankful2THANKFUL for the ones who had to fight with brass knuckles while wearing power suits, panty hose and pumps. THANKFUL for the ones who never played on a field or a court but somehow knew that it was important nonetheless. THANKFUL for the ones who may now seem humorless, but only because their cause was so dead serious. THANKFUL for the ones who by guile and by aggression got a seat at the table. THANKFUL for the ones who could see the ceiling beyond the glass. THANKFUL for the opportunities built by the resolve of these women. THANKFUL to be an American woman in the 21st century-opportunity awaits. THANKFUL for a little girl and a little boy who do not know that it was every any other way.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


Family Planning

When I interviewed her for this article, Melanie McLouth worried that her story sounded “boring compared to the ladies that run marathons and triathlons.” But the point of this column, and Title Nine itself, is that there is no such thing as “ordinary” when a woman take fitness seriously…and has fun doing it. Sometimes the quiet achievements are most impressive.

Melanie is a registered nurse in the labor and delivery department of a rural hospital in Michigan. “It’s the perfect job,” she says, “meeting new, young families who are having a baby.” Still, she works twelve-hour shifts and, by the time she gets home, she’s been on her feet for fifteen hours. On her days off, “I’m up at the crack of dawn to get Max off to school. Then my two year old is up and demanding—you name it. In between, my sweet Riley wakes up and he needs to get off to preschool by 11:45. Cleaning, laundry, yard work, cooking, and working out have to fit in somewhere.”

And they all do. Melanie squeezes in three workouts a week on her Total Gym and at least one power walk with her black lab Charley on her days off.


Melanie and Guss

For most of us, “working in working out” can be a juggling act. For Melanie, it almost literally is. “Sometimes, Gus (my two year old) won’t let mommy work out and wants me to hold him. I say, ‘Come on up, Gus’ and the Gusser hops onto my Total Gym and away we go, giggling and smiling.” Her reaction to working out while carrying an extra thirty-two pounds? “I just think: Oh well, I’m getting stronger.”

Speaking to Melanie, it’s obvious that the effects of such strength are far reaching. Like most of us, she works out to “keep my strength up and keep my weight down…and fit my clothes!” But, more importantly, working in those workouts transforms other aspects of her life. As Melanie puts it: “When, I feel great about myself, I have more patience for my family and at work.”

You don’t have to be a triathlete to be a champion.


Home: Three-bedroom house in the country. Five acres surrounded by farm fields.

Occupation: Registered Nurse: Labor and Delivery

Partner: Husband Thomas of 19 years

Children: Max (8), Riley (5), Gustav (2). All boys!

Age: 39

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 133 lbs

Sports, past and present: Softball, swimming, track, walking, strength training.

Athletic accomplishments: Just staying in shape as a busy mom and nurse.

Little known fact about you: I hate TV. I’m a reader.

Environmentally incorrect preference: I failed at cloth diapers and use disposable.

Guilty pleasure: I eat peanut butter out of the jar.

Most embarrassing moment: I’m too old…I can’t think of one!

Favorite thing to do when not working or working out: Gardening, reading, painting.

Moment of Inspiration: I’ll never forget when my son Riley was born. I had a tough pregnancy, which required a lot of meds to stop labor, etc. I was worried he would not be normal. When I saw his face and little body crying (and he was okay)…words cannot describe the inner calm and peace I had for him that very instant. I will never forget.

Favorite Quote: “I’ve got my big girl panties on,” which means I’m ready and can handle whatever comes my way.


I work out any spare chance I can get.
