Tagged: behind the scenes

Girls’ Weekend: Redefined

Ragnar Relay

When our fellow T9er asked if we wanted to spend the weekend running trails through all hours of the night, camping in a dusty field without shower access, and pushing ourselves harder than we thought possible, we didn’t think twice. Running an overnight trail race in the mountains? That’s our kind of girls’ weekend!



Triumph. Fail. Just Get in the Arena!

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous In the Arena speech has been firing us up lately, so we asked some of the gals at Title Nine to share a time they took a risk, ignored the critics, and – whether triumph or fail – got in the arena.


Kristina, Magnificent Merchant

“The only fall sports for girls at my middle school were volleyball or cheerleading, but I wanted to try out for soccer. The boys’ soccer coach discouraged me from playing, but I tried out for the team anyway, and made it! I went on to become an all-county player and the team captain in high school.”


Erin, Chief People Person

“I had always wanted to learn improv, but being in front of an audience without a safety net felt pretty scary. I finally decided to jump in and try one class. I’m so glad I took that risk! I ended up loving it and have been learning, performing, and teaching improv ever since.” (more…)


Anatomy of a Photoshoot

We’ve traveled all over for our “T9 Behind the Scenes” series, sharing the adventures and misadventures we’ve had along the way. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. What does it really take to make a photo shoot happen? Find out.

