Tagged: Sports

Our Top News in Women’s Sports

Hi all,

I’m Sonja, inventory planner and resident women’s sports expert here at Title Nine. I’m back to share the stories you need to know about, and to keep giving women athletes the attention they deserve.

1. The U.S. women finished out the Olympics as powerful as ever! They won 67 out of the 126 of the total medals won by Team USA.  If the U.S.women were their own country, they’d rank third for the highest number of medals. In addition, they won 65% of the total U.S. gold medals (26 gold medals).  When asked about the women dominating in this year’s Olympics, WNBA star A’ja Wilson (Las Vegas Aces) responded, “I’m not surprised at all. When it comes to getting the job done, a woman’s gonna always step up to the plate and get it done.”


Our Top News in Women’s Sports

our top news in women's sports

Hi all!

I’m Sonja, Inventory Planner and resident women’s sports expert here at Title Nine.  I’m excited to share the latest updates, with a special focus on all the amazing women competing in the Olympics! It’s important to spotlight these stories to give visibility to women leading, risking and owning in sports and in life. There are so many stories to share, but here are some of my top picks coming out of Paris:


Serious Competition, Serious Fun: The Title Nine Olympics.

At Title Nine we believe that sports and fitness can be fun and transformational. It says so right on our walls. Our CFO leads Tabata classes in the company gym. Lunchtime yoga is taught by a customer service rep. The distribution center hosts parking lot boot camp classes, and our stores hold their meetings while hiking or navigatiWe believeng ropes courses.

We believe sweating together, laughing together, and encouraging each other makes us better coworkers, and in turn, a better company for all of our customers.

Cheering TeamWhich is why, once a year since 2002, we shut down headquarters, suspend shipping, send customer service phones to voice mail, and fly in all 23 store managers from across the country. We come together for a day of teamwork, athletics, and a lot of silliness at the Title Nine Olympics.

Serious Competition

The 2015 games were held at a cavernous local gym. We began our morning by dividing up into eight teams with names such as Dink & Sparkle, Bras n’ Bros, and Back in Black. Team captains were chosen, cheers composed, and hilarious dances choreographed. Team loyalty was strong, and the competition was serious (injuries included), but ultimately we knew we were all playing on one big team.

Morning games included Off the Wall Ball (a game made up by our founder, Missy), Office Chair Foosball, Human Hungry Hungry Hippo, and Cup Stacking. The games were a mix of physical exertion, mental strategy, and just plain ridiculousness – something for everyone.



Life Lessons in a Years Worth of Roller Derby

Our Creative Project-Managing whiz Danielle, stepped out of, WAY out of, her comfort zone and  joined a women’s roller derby league a year ago. Below she shares with us some life lessons and with wisdom like this Danielle, it sounds like you’re on the right track. 🙂 Keep it up! You rock!

Photo Credit: Russellreno Limprecht

A year ago, I decided to join Reckless Rollers, the rec team for the Bay Area Derby Girls Roller Derby league. What started out as something fun to try has turned into one of the best experiences of my life. I have bonded with a family of women who have taught me so much and to whom I have a fierce loyalty to like no other group I have ever encountered. I love my derby sisters like family, and I have learned and continue to learn from them on a daily basis. The support system that the B.A.D. girls foster is unlike anything I have ever experienced, and I am forever grateful. While it hasn’t been an easy road, and my learning curve is a long one, it has been an amazing road to travel.



Power of Nine Winner – In More Ways Than One

This is a guest post from our gal who works in eCommerce, Amy. She worked directly with the winners from our Power of Nine Challenge and has such been in constant contact with Jamie the Grand Prize winner, organizing her plane tickets to our Title 9K in Chicago. Amy intended to write a piece focused on Jamie and her back story, who she is and where she’s from, how she found Title Nine and the like. But when she got to writing all the facts flew out the window and a description of Jamie as a person, a wonderful person, came to fruition in their place. Enjoy.

I work in Marketing. Behind a screen. Sending out any vibes I can through the tips of my fingers, rapidly pushing on the keys in front of me. Conveying to everyone how happy their excitement and pleasure in our product and our company makes me can be a challenge for a girl with a limited vocabulary. I often find myself at a loss of words and half ashamed to continually tell them they are “awesome, amazing, wonderful, and beautiful”, but in reality, that’s what they are. These women I’ve found myself connecting with are INCREDIBLE women. Incredible. They are doing their part to make the day okay. In any small way they can. Today I received the picture from our gal the Grand Prize winner from the Power of 9 giveaway, and the sight of it brought me to tears. I mean, look at her! 🙂 Her smile was and is, one of the most genuine, gleeful, proud and honestly thrilled to be in the moment photos I’ve seen in a long time. Sheer, complete, truthful joy! The look on her face wearing her new Title 9 t-shirt with a tennis racket, golf club and soccer ball in one hand, is a look I’m certain parents have the privilege of enjoying on their kids on a summer day. She’s beautiful. She’s happy. And to top it off, she had just finished her fastest mile as part of her T9K training program 🙂 She’s a teacher. She has daughters. And she’s enjoying every last moment of her summer that she can. And taking the time that I know she doesn’t have to put on her new shirt, find some props, and talk someone into taking her picture to send to the pesky marketing gal at the home office. Jamie my dear, you are a doll. You put in more than one exclamation point despite it being a grammatical error because dang it, you’re excited. We sign our emails “love”. We address each other by our initials. You’re my long lost Midwestern pen pal. Thank you for reminding me what life is all about and how wonderful it will continue to be… if you let it. If you’re open to it. You are a beautiful gal – there are far too few like you. Rock on JMG – you’re going to be great come that October race day.
