Category: Missy’s Musings
YES | NO from the Fans of Title Nine
After reading what Missy says YES | NO to, a number of our fans responded with their very own lists! We were so overwhelmed and thrilled at the response that we wanted to put some of them together for you to enjoy. Thanks, T9ers! You are what makes us great!
Yes & No
Say YES | NO:
to a workout with friends | to another session on the ellipitcal
to quantity time | to quality time
to fried chicken | to beets
to the Sunday New York Times | to daily “news”
to community | to Facebook
to summer boredom | to summer fully-booked
to Kindle app | to books
to mountain biking | to stretching
What do you say YES or NO to?
Share it with me.
– Missy Park –
Live Dangerously
A word from Missy to kick off your next season, adventure, day or challenge…
Go ahead and eat it, even if it’s past the 5-second rule.
Skip the anti-bacterial soap and let your immune system do the fighting.
Skip the antibiotics…chances are it’s a virus.
Let your child work with knives. The learning will astonish you both.
Take that job offer, even if, especially if, you think you’re under-qualified.
Take that trip to an undiscovered part of your world.
Yes, your son can walk to the store by himself.
And, your daughter should learn to build a good fire.
And even if you think you haven’t trained enough, do that race anyway.
Live dangerously…learning awaits.
How do you live dangerously? Tell me.
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Feminism Is:
DEAD – Something that happened in the 70’s. A movement that’s still relevant today – A communist plot. A terrorist plot. Some kind of plot – A nice idea whose time has come. A nice idea whose time has gone – About choice and control. About eliminating control-top lingerie – A satanic ritual. A cult. A club – A conspiracy to make men wear pink – A movement that seeks justice for women. A movement that is unjust to men – For men as well as women – For sons as well as daughters – The anti-dote to the old boys club. The pre-cursor to the new girls club – A movement that died with the Kardashians and Jersey Shore – Alive and well and living in Anchorage, New York City, Asheville, St. Louis, Eugene, Dallas and EVERYWHERE THERE IS A STRONG WOMAN
Missy Park