What do 60 and 186 have in common?
They’re the number of days left till our Title 9k Boulder and Title 9k Bay Area!

With 60 days left till our 12th annual Mother’s Day Title 9k race down at the reservoir in Colorado, there is still plenty of time to register and join in on the fun! If the Boulder race is too soon, there’s over three times as many days left till the 5th annual Bay Area Title 9k, which means there is plenty of time to prepare, whether it’s your first-ever event or you’re gunning for a personal best.

Have you seen course pictures from past T9ks? Or pictures from the photobooth we set up at the expo to ensure everyone gets a chance to be on the cover of a Title Nine catalog? Plus, who doesn’t love Luna Bars, one of our favorite, long time expo and goodie vendors?

Check out this race recap from Life Laugh Eat Run, or this one from CompulsiveRunner. Scrinina feels the T9k is more than ‘just’ a race, and while Run With Chocolate needed to give herself a little pep talk to get herself going, she crossed the finish with flying colors!
Still need convincing? Maybe this video will help.
(Video not working? Click here to watch it.)
Whatever your pace, there’s a place for you at the Title 9k. Won’t you join us? We hope so!
See you out there!