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I’ve written before and gotten no response. I also agree that your missing a huge demographic out here. Not only older, but as a 53 year old active person, it would be REALLY NICE to find larger bra sizes. We want to get out there too, but without all the bouncing around. Sports bras, racer backs, wireless, all in sizes over 38 PLEASE!!!!!
Take it from this 42C I would buy tons of bras from someone if I could only find someone that carried them!
Your models are lovely, fit and young. You are missing a huge market of older women 50-80 who are active and fit and we buy your products too. Think about it plus we have more disposable income.
I think one thing that women need to do is to support each other in the work place. Women working together should not try to undermine each other, I see this all the time! Granted, not all women are fab to work with, but most of us are. Woman up and be supportive, and if there are issues talk about them, don’t gossip about them. We will continue to be discredited in the workplace as long as we continue to discredit ourselves.
Oh, how much this resonates with me!
I struggled so much as a young girl because I was drawn to strong female characters, like Laura Ingalls Wilder, but felt I was supposed to be more like some quiet, ladylike girl who didn’t want to run faster than the boys and have adventures.
Now, as a mom to a little girl, I make it a point to show her that she can be feminine AND strong. In fact, that her strength is one if the things that makes her beautiful. And as a mom to 3 boys, I make it a point to show my boys how beautiful strong women are. That it’s not just the dads who hike trails and take them on camping trips, or who lift weights and work out. But that moms, and women, can and should do those things. I encourage them to notice the things that make a woman truly beautiful: her heart, her spirit , her determination and her sense of fun.
If I raise my kids to see that strong, confident women are the norm, then they’ll pass that on to their kids. And on and on it will grow!
One part of bridging that gap is kids seeing their moms take exercise seriously, including fat moms.
Title Nine is a progressive, forward-thinking organization. I learned from our local store that upcoming catalogs will feature women who are not young–brava!
The next step is to feature women who are not slim. You sell clothes up to size XL; why not show us how your clothes fit on XL women? I tried on three dresses while I was at your store and loved how they fit my XL body!
It’s time. Please use plus-sized models in your catalogs and online.
You’re based in the Bay Area, where the “Health At Any Size” movement originated! It is certainly no secret that women can be both fat and fit. Young girls and boys need to see their mothers, and all women, moving and being fit!
As women, we should not be afraid to try new things. In 2009, I began hiking the Appalacian Trail – by myself. I was 43 at the time and single. There were so many people who told me I could not go, it wasn’t safe, and who tried to get my parents to forbid me going. Needless to say, my parents were behind me 100 percent. Those same people now say how brave I am. All I know is that I would have regretted it if I had not tried it. I got off the trail due to illness, but keep hiking sections when I get the chance. I don’t regret one minute of the trip or not finishing the entire trail. The journey taught me so much about myself! I have now completed over one-third of that 2,100 mile trail. If you want to try something, go for it! I did!
Thanks Missy for the empowerment! This arrived in my email and I forwarded it to my partner because I sometimes struggle with the words to explain why i’m always playing it “safe,” or not confident enough to speak up in group situations, especially on our outdoor adventures! He came home that night after work and the first thing he said was I want to help you BRIDGE the GAP
I am almost 50, I grew up pre Title IX. When my daughter was born 13 years ago, I realized that she can do anything! It exilhikerated me at her birth, she was born colorful, with strong healthy lungs and a world wide open full of possibilities. She is strong willed and opinionated, compassionate and curious. I look forward to her challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
As a yogi, I have found a community of women (and a couple men) who are non judgemental and accepting of themselves and their bodies who seek service to help others. I think your company can help out a yoga studio, Shri, whose mission it is to serve the underserved population. As a middle school teacher, I hope to bring mindfulness to my students, in the hopes to create a learning environment that is more compassionate and nonjudgmental. My hopes it will inspire my reluctant to share their thinking and be empowered.
Thanks TitleIX!